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Still confused but urged by Jacks hard kicks, I sprinted forward in the direction originally intended to follow, leaving the old man where he lay. I cannot sense anyone around the vicinity, I don't understand what Jack is referring to when he said we where surrounded, this storyline just gets more confusing the further I'm included.

I firmly held the shiny pendent in my beak, an urge to not let it fall consumed me. It proved difficult to not swallow the object as I ran, instructed firmly by Jacks frantic tugging.

"... Ok, I cant hear them anymore, slow down would you, I have to make a call and don't want to be flung off"

Jack shuffled his hand around the pocket of his hood, pulling out a cellphone smothered in an orangey, red gelatinous substance, he rubbed the sticky screen against the front of his hoodie, apparently unbothered by the state of his device.

"Hey Siri, call BEN", the device dialled, BEN answered instantly not giving the phone a chance to ring.

"Dude, where the hell are you? Slender is getting impatient!"

"I know, I-" Jack rubbed the bridge of his nose, his body froze, "My mask! I forgot..."

He growled, the snarl returning to his face, "I ran into some trouble, ill explain when I get there. Give me some directions or get your ass over here and show me."

BEN gagged, "No way in hell am I climbing through your nasty ass phone, you don't need me anyways, Slender already sent Masky after you so hang tight."

The call dropped, Jack sat silent. I stopped walking when Jack started panicking about his mask, listening in on the conversation, if I remember correctly Masky is that guy who returned Sally home, the man in the white mask, I think I remember what he smelled like, cigarettes, blood, maybe a little coliform, and a lot of dirt.

The night wind blew a faint molecule of that sent, I returned to walking, following my nose up wind and off the path I had followed.

"Where are you going now? hang tight you furry legged marble" Jack tugged on my hair, insisting I stay where I am, I ignored his tugging, driven by the thought of finally completing my assignment and returning home to sleep.

"Jack? what is..." Masky sat on a large fallen log a few yards from where we made the call, a flashlight and a paper map in hand, Jack straitened himself, his facial features becoming neutral, "Masky, come to pick me up I see, got a little lost on my way over."

"and this is where you ended up, glad you made it out of that fire, can't afford to lose are doctor." Masky jumped from the log, pocketing his utilities as he approached, less hesitant in his poster then are first meeting, "I see you made a friend."

"So it would seem"

The new feeling Jack gave off startled me, his attitude now detached and hard to read, Masky didn't show any sign of caring for the attitude, putting out his hand for Jack to take a hold.

A grin lifted my mask, when Jack's feet touch the ground ill bolt out of here, I can find my way home eventually, getting out of this situation is my priority.

Unfortunately, that idea crumbled when more weight added to my back, my body stiffening.

"Ok, how the fuck do I drive this thing?"

Masky now sat before Jack, his gloved hands firmly grasping my shoulders.

Jack held awkwardly onto my back, his posture disagreeable, "just let me do it, you can tell me where to go"

"This will be faster, just tell me how to start this thing"

"It's not a motor vehicle, it's a breathing entity. Just ride it like you would a horse"

"Do I look like the kind of guy who would ride a horse"

"Would you just-"

Oh my god, just tell me the directions ill walk there myself you fucking pikers. My legs hurt, I have been doing a lot of running this week and I can't stand it.

Reluctantly I give into the situation, keeping a strong hold on my common-sense as the two bantered back and forth, there conversations non hostile but obviously meant to be passive aggressive.

I made a mental note on Masky's horrible steering skills, had I listened to his commands during the hike ide had have collided into dozens of trees and fallen down an embankment into the river. Thankfully, I was able to grasp the intention of path he wanted and stumbled upon the park with little excitement along the way.

The number of figures residing in the park was greater than it should have been at this time of night, that left me skeptical of my situation once more.

Then I saw him, that tall faceless being dressed in black.

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