Just as savage (Jack/Seedeater ending)

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"I think... I might have some fun."

Pazuzu smiles, his gnarled teeth on display, "perhaps you shall."

Yes, this is the right choice, I've done and seen far too many unspeakable things to return to my old life, besides it's not all bad being a monster, I'm freer than ever been.

A sound echoes through the trees, a low-pitched hum, it tickles my ears and drew my attention more than any normal sound would.

"I believe you are being called upon", Pazuzu chuckles, "I wish you luck (y/n), may your future be wishful."

The book shut, gently flopping into my talons. I run a claw down the leather, hugging the book closely to my body before stashing it into my fur.

What a nice guy, I don't blame him at all for what happened to me, how could I, I can consider him my benefactor now if anything, the man who gave me another chance.

I turn the direction the low frequency hum came from, I am one hundred percent certain that was Seedeater, interesting how Pazuzu knew he was calling for me, perhaps one day I will learn to understand.

Both Jack and Seed are waiting for me at the mouth of the trail, Jack idly leaned himself against a thick pine while watching Seedeater pluck at the grass growing by his feet. Seed took notice of my presence quickly, he hopped up and trotted over with a bounce.

"FrIeNd!!", he rammed himself into my body, latching to my side and vibrating with excitement as he purred, "pLaY wItH fRiEnD!"

I cock a brow at him, watching skeptically as he bounds off the ground and spins in a circle like an excited dog, it is an amusing act, but I still have some pride... Maybe.

Jack chuckles at the display of his furry friend, his mask firmly hiding his toothy grin, "not now Seed, you guys can play when we get home."


Jack pat the both of us on the head, he seems joyous, upbeat even, he sighs happily as he placed his forehead against my own, "I'm going to need a new hideout, the current one is to small for the both of you."

His mask is cold against my face, but his current aura of joy is contagious, I can't think of a better place to be than with these two, and I didn't have to ask, Jack wholeheartedly wants me to stay with him, Seed too seems fawned of the idea.

"Was not easy you know, not only did I have to persuade Slender, I had to fight Sally", he huffs, a tired like sigh, "she tried to cheat me in rock, paper, scissors, can you believe that? I may be blind, but I am not stupid."

I chuckle at the image of the two throwing hands, it has to be Sally who chose such an advantageous game, she must have had a fit when she lost.

Jack tilts his head, gesturing his intended direction, "Come on you two, I want to get out of here before the others decide they want to have a go at me."

Seed happily bound after Jack, both stopping a few feet away to look back to see if I am following. It warms my heart to know these two want me, to feel wanted, something I have not once concerned myself with before.

With a smile and a leap, I join the two on the way back to Jacks crusty cabin, the place just as in shambles as when I've last seen it.

Jack cracked the door open, the musk flooding from the opening. He pauses, taking a step back and craning his neck, "Someone was here."

Seed and I are instantly on alert, that odd feeling twisting in my stomach, familiar, hated, it only appears when something goes wrong.

I growl as the wind changes, something intrusive and ugly, a scent I know but can not place.

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