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Nope, I'm not going through anymore shit today.

The Slenderman is far to out of my league to interact with.

I tried to back away unnoticed, but with the number of eyes in the vicinity someone was bound to see us.

"Pom Pom!"

I paused, directing my attention to Sally's small figure that clung tightly to the tall entities shoulder, he glances from her to me, his faceless gaze holding my body in place.

He placed her down gently, allowing her light pink dress shoes to connect with the earth before releasing his hold, he watched intently as she rushed to my side, throwing her body weight at my chest.

The boys slid off my back, approaching the tall being with no hesitation. Jack placed his bag on the ground, he looked sullen, "sorry for the hold up, got caught in an ambush"

"I'm aware, you are excused, I believe you have brought an extra", the creatures voice radiated like static, a heavy wave of authority, this creature is far scarier up close compared to a subtle look from across a pond.

Jack nodded, returning to my side, and resting his elbow atop my head, "the fuzz ball here assisted in my escape twice today, it has intelligence, and seems to have had prior training, but it's slow and fat, whoever owns this is not taking good care of it"

"Pom Pom is not fat, he is fluffy!" Sally puffed out her cheeks glaring Jack down as she clung tighter to my side.

"You say it's a 'he' but how do you know that? Did you ask it?" Jack was now glaring back, shifting closer to my body, his voice mocking and childish, he most likely didn't mean anything by it, but his lip pulled upward, baring his teeth down at the little girl who took no notice.

"Humph, you're not very smart Jack, Pom Pom can't talk, he has to be a boy, because he is clumsy"

...ouch. That hurt my pride a lot more then I thought it would. My head dropped, offended for more then one reason, a strange wine opened my mouth enough for the trinket to fall out, clattering together as it hit the ground.

The Slenderman took notice, he wordlessly commanded Masky to retrieve the shiny object, my heart broke a little knowing I am not going to be getting it back.

Masky handed the object over, standing by the man's side with his hands behind his back, Jack and Sally had quieted down, looking up at Slender in interest, Jack spoke, "that belonged to the guy who jumped me, fuzz ball must have taken it when I was not looking, birds like shiny objects I suppose"

"Indeed" the Slenderman gave the pendent back to Masky, "he was one members of a newly formed group, they are the reason I had gathered you all here"

He motioned to the odd group of figures conversing with one another, most obviously annoyed about the call out, the Slenderman rejoined the crowed, a quick shock of static silenced the chatter.

He looked over the group, his posture straight and his hands neatly behind his back, "I thank you all for joining us tonight, despite some having to cancel your plans. I wanted to inform you all of a newly developed vigilante in town, they are small and slow witted but it would be in are best interest to remove the group before it gets out of hand, if any one of you notice a member please take care of them or inform my proxies of there whereabouts" Jack put his hand in the air, gaining the tall mans attention, "ah yes, eyeless Jack has also recently misplaced his pet, Seedeater, if any of you happen upon it, he has prepared a reward, That is all, you may return"

Some individuals gowned loudly, others raced off without looking back, a few however stayed behind to loiter.

For the moment I had been left alone, once more I tried to sneak away, Hoodie however had other ideas, seeming to pop out of thin air and run his fingers through my hair, intently feeling the texture, he mumbled to himself, he sighed, staring at my mask and asked as if I would answer, "what are you..."

"A good question"

Hoodie straitened, I froze in place, The Slenderman stood a few feet away, looking at me with great interest.

Hoodie relaxed, pocketing his hand, "not even you know sir?"

"I do not. I've seen many like it but nothing exact" The Slenderman scratched his pale chin with a bony finger, "perhaps I shall conduct an experiment, it has been some time sense I've met an entity I could not place, this should bring back memories"

He reached a handout for me, but was retracted as a knife whizzed past, we both looked at the direction the object had flown from, Slenderman huffed in irritation when he noticed Jeff sitting ideal on the bottom of a slide.

Jeff glanced up, his smile stretched, "what makes you think you can just take things Slendy, maybe I want to have it"

Did I just get saved by Jeff the killers?

The Slenderman rubbed his temple, "dare I ask what you want to do with it?"

Jeff stood, knife at the ready, "eat it obviously"

The four of us sat silent, a cold breeze blew dust into my opened mouth.

Hoodie gripped his head in astonishment, "you have got to be kidding me!"

Jeff laughs heatedly, pointing the tip of his knife in my direction, "that thing is probably the biggest fucking chicken in existence, no way in hell am I going to pass that up!"

Slenderman and I remained quiet, I was starting to contemplate just giving myself up for the experiment, I can feel the stress of the day weighing on me, tears pricked the corner of my eyes.

"Hoodie" said man look up at the tall being expectantly, Slender's slim finger directed at Jeff "get him"

Hoodie charged Jeff without a thought, brandishing a wrench from his pocket, said weapon sparked as it contacted Jeff's kitchen knife with a loud metallic twang.

I did not hold my place as the two brawled, Slender far to taken by the actions of the two to notice me high tail it out of the vicinity, or he had not expected a creature such as I to bolt under his watch.

Either was, I wound up in a vacant street corner, huffing and puffing from the excessive strain on my body, I foolishly ran into the heart of town without thinking.

And oh my god, the sun is about to rise.


Thanks for your patience on this book my friends. ended up changing a large portion of the last chapter and needed to compensate.

Originally both reader and Jack did not make it out of the forest, needing to be rescued by the Proxies and Slender himself. However, I figure that did not make reader OP enough, thus changed it accordingly.

I had this chapter made a while ago, but once again changed the part that connected with the story line. Slender was supposed to have captured reader and taken them to his forest, where, without the eyes of the others on him, would reveal he is actually a SIMP for fuzzy animals. I wrote a whole chapter of just the all powerful Slenderman rubbing his hands and faceless face over reader like a human would a cat or something and ended up traumatizing myself because of it.

I was too ashamed to look for a good while, but I should have veigly recovered.

Ill post again soon.

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