Chapter 2

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It was morning and I got ready to go to his kingdom. I kept my sword with me and had breakfast. After having breakfast, I left with my horse to his kingdom. His kingdom wasn't so far from mine. It was just a few miles away. I said, "I hate men." My horse neighed. I could understand what my horse was saying every time. My horse said, "But I'm a man."

"But you're not a human. You're an animal." I could see him feeling angry a bit. I said, hugging his neck "'s okay. Even though you're an animal, I still love you. I wish you were my boyfriend." My horse showed its teeth to me. I laughed and made my horse run faster. After some time, I finally reached the gates to his kingdom. I jumped off from my horse and I made my way through his kingdom. While making my way to his palace I could see all the men drooling.

"Is that the Queen of Silla?"

"Man, she looks so beautiful."

"I just wanna touch her right now." I left my horse outside his palace and said "I'll be back soon. Stay here."

I entered his palace and saw him sitting on his throne. His ministers were sitting and just looking at me. I scoffed. Seokjin said "Well, well, well, look who we have here! Jina Lee, the Queen of Silla. Welcome to my kingdom. It's-"

"Ok, that's enough. I would like to talk to you in private." He smirked and asked, "Why in 'private'?"

"Because this is going to be a conversation only between you and me." He signaled his ministers to leave. One by one they started leaving. after everybody left the doors closed leaving me with him. He got down from his throne and walked towards me. 

I stood still, glaring at him. He stood in front of me and said, "Jina LEE, it's an Honour to have you here. You symbolize beauty. You are a queen now. You didn't even dare to enter my kingdom but then here you are now.... standing in front of me after years. It's been a long time, Jina. A really long time. I missed you so much, my enemy and my one and only-"

"STOP! Don't. Ever. Say. That. Word. You're not worthy to call me that."

"Worthy? Do I really need to worthy to call you that or should you be worthy to be called like that?" I remained silent.

"Look Kim Seokjin, I'm here to tell you to stop sending men to my kingdom. You're killing my people."

"Well Jina, let me tell you something. Every time I send my men to your kingdom to kill you... my men kill your people and you kill my men. Not even a man comes back to this kingdom once they enter yours. The only thing that comes back is their bodies. So, according to me both of us are losing people from our kingdoms. There's no problem. Anyways, enemies are meant to fight."

I took out my sword and was about to slit his throat but then I stopped in front of his neck. I said, holding my sword next to his neck "If you don't stop sending men to my kingdom then you will taste the tip of my sword." He sighed out heavily and looked at my sword.

"You won't kill me. I know that... Are those the virtues?" he said, pointing to the words inscribed on my sword. 

"Loyal, Brave, and True. Loyal, yes you are very loyal. Brave...yes, you're really brave. If you weren't then you wouldn't be able to kill my people. True... I really doubt that." 

He moved away from my sword away from his neck with his fingers.

"Please, just let my kingdom live in peace. You let my kingdom live in peace and I let yours."

"Okay." He said, sighing out heavily. I wanted to thank him but no. I was about to leave until when he stopped me and said "Why don't you let me hug you?"

"That will never happen." I stomped away.

Author's pov:


After Jina left, Seokjin said to himself "We're meeting after an exceptionally long time. I just wanted to be a good person towards you for just one last time before you die." 

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