Chapter 8

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Jungkook's pov

"Hey, who's there?" I heard someone shout from behind. I then realized that I didn't have any make up on nor my wig. I got really scared. I felt like crying out loud.

I wanna dieeeeeeeee.....

I looked around to use something. I found a cloth nearby and immediately took it. I put it over my head and tried covering my face. Without turning around I said, "It's me Kookieana." I heard footsteps approaching. I brought the cloth a little bit lower and tried hiding my face a little more. I asked, as the footsteps approached "W-Who are you?"

"Don't worry. It's me." She said, standing next to me. I looked from the corner of my eyes and saw that it was the queen. I froze.

Should I even ready myself during the night time too?

"W-What are you doing here, Daebi-mama?"

"First of all, why is there a cloth over your head?"

"B-Because I feel cold."

"Really? Is it that cold?"

"Yeah, it is Daebi-mama."

"Second of all, what are you doing here at this time?"

"I wanted some fresh air."

"Really! You sound horrified. Did something happen?"

"Nothing much. I just had a nightmare."

"You too, huh?"

"So, you get nightmares too?"

"A lot. I come up here almost every night. I have never slept properly till now."

"Are they that bad?"

"Horrifying. Mind telling me what was your nightmare?"

"Well, it's related to my past."

"Yours too! Looks like you had a horrifying past too."

"Yeah, I did have."

"We both are kinda similar."

"Mind me asking about your past?"

"You don't wanna know it. Those memories haunt me."

"I'm all ears. You can trust me."

"Not even my sister knows my past."

"Well, what happened so horrifying in your past?"

I saw her gulping down her saliva. She sighed out heavily and said "Have you ever been starved to death? Or, have you been so thirsty? Have you gone crazy in search of shelter? I have. I was alone with only my horse. No food, no water, no shelter, nothing. I was just a kid. The only thing that was left in me was my soul. I could have died but then God had shown me a way. I was saved."

"So, how is that related to you hating men?"

"I just told you one percentile of my past. The things that happened before that made me be like this."

"Why do you hate men so much?" I asked, curiously.

"Kookieana... may I tell you something? You shouldn't tell anybody. Whatever we speak here remains between us."

"Okay." I spoke. I looked at her. She had her head bowed down. She looked a little sad. Even in the night, she looked beautiful. The moonlight fell on her face making her shine more. Not even the sun can be as bright as her. She sighed out heavily and said "Okay then. I actually... don't hate men." My eyes widened. I was shocked. But then I was still confused.

Why was she killing men then if she doesn't hate them?

"I know what you're thinking. When I don't hate them, then why am I killing them, right? Even if a man just steps into my kingdom I would kill them. Why? I can't tell you everything but then I can only tell you this... I grew up with men. My mother used to be spending very less time with me. They're the ones who made me strong. According to me, men and women are supposed to be together. But then I'm not supposed to do that. I really wish I could but then I can't. My brother was the one who loved me a lot more than anyone had did. Not only him though. His friends had loved me a lot too."

"Wait, so you have a brother? Where is he?"

"He's long gone."

"Then what's with the hate?"

"I can't tell that. This much is too much actually."

I wanted to change the topic so I asked her "Have you been in love?"

"Why, yes. I have been when I was a kid. Love... it's a very powerful word. It has so much meaning. I miss that. I miss that feeling. I miss the feeling of being loved. I miss the way how my heart used to flutter when I was with him. I miss the way how butterflies used to erupt in my stomach. I miss his warm hugs and his cute smile. I miss his pecks. I just...miss him."

"Who is he? Is he still alive?"

"I heard that he died in a war."

"What if he's still alive? What will you do if you see him?"

"I really wished that he was alive. But then, if he was, and I see him then I would hug him tightly under my arms and tell him how much I had loved him all this time."

"Did you tell your love for him?"

"No, I never did. I regret it. But then he's still there in my heart. He's just irreplaceable. He made me strong. But then now, I feel weak. I don't receive love anymore. I know I have made a kingdom like this of only women. I had to. My kingdom doesn't love me but still, they're living somehow. I have everything in my life. But then, I've always felt... I was missing something. I know what was I missing. I was missing Love. All this time, I just needed some love." I could see a hot tear fall from her cheek. I felt my heart clench at the sight of that. I took her hand in mine and said "You don't need to feel like that. You are loved. You have a sister who loves you a lot. You have ministers and people who love you. Whoever that guy is, he must be watching you from above. You have his love too. And... I love you too. See, many people love you for what you are."

I blushed the moment I said that I loved her. She turned me around and hugged me tight. At that moment, I felt her. She might be strong and powerful from the outside but then from the inside she was a very soft person. She said "I needed this. I just needed someone to tell me this but then I didn't want my sister to know. I feel like I've known you for centuries."

She pulled away and thanked me before leaving. She said, running, "Go sleep. You don't want to be sleepy in the morning." She left the place, running away. While she was running away, I saw something fall off. I walked slowly towards the shiny object that was fallen on the ground. It was a chain. It had a small stone. I took a closer look at it and got shocked. I stared at the chain.

This is.... her chain.... isn't it? 

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