Chapter 7

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Jungkook's pov

I held up my sword and I was ready to fight. I just had one problem. My legs were shaking. I didn't want to fight her. Even though I was a mighty warrior, I really didn't want to fight her. I didn't want to hurt her. If I had to avoid this.... then there was only one way. That's what I did. Even though I knew it would spoil my reputation (As a MAN).

She screamed before running with her sword towards me. I held up my sword.

This is going to be embarrassing....

I turned away from her and started running around the court. Everyone in the court were shocked.

Dashi run run run...did I really have to be a woman? Run run run... I'm a man. Can this get any worse? I'm running away from women. Run~. Don't fall off wig wig. You make me cry cry. I'm gonna die die. Don't fall off, don't fall off, don't fall off wig wig.

She ran behind me and I was just running. Suddenly the queen shouted, "STOP!" Everything came to a halt at an instant.

Thank God! My wig didn't fall off. I'm saved!

"Everybody back to where you guys were!" The queen shouted. I went back to stand in the middle of the court and the minister went and sat back in her chair. The minister said, "See Daebi-mama-"

"I saw everything." She spoke. She turned towards me and said "Kookieana, tell me the truth. Do you know how to fight?"

I had to lie...

"No." I said, bowing down my head. She sighed out heavily and said "I don't want to lose a good minister. Is anyone interested in teaching her how to fight?" Nobody was ready to. They were just teasing me of me not knowing how to fight. What did they know anyways?

"Ok then you leave me with no choice." The queen said. "I will teach her how to fight."

"But then Daebi-mama-" One of the ministers said.

"No, I don't want anybody to speak another word. When I asked you people to teach her how to fight, you guys were teasing her. Don't you know she's a woman just like us? Doesn't she have the same feelings as us? Just because you're my ministers, you don't get to tease anyone or hurt anyone. She's come from a very far place and from a small village just to serve under me. And, this is how you treat her? Is this how you all treat if someone enters newly into the kingdom? I'm very disappointed in you all. No wonder you women are my ministers. I have a Chinese woman in my kingdom and I don't know what else you guys are hiding. But then just know something. Now that she's here, Kookieana, she will take care of everything. I will come to know everything that's been happening behind my back. You women have only a few days to hide yourselves." She scolded.

Step one: Winning the queen's trust- Check.

The ministers bowed down in embarrassment. The queen said, "Kookieana, after lunch, I shall teach you how to fight."

"Thank you so much, Daebi-mama."

"You need to be strong and I'm ready to be the one to help you get strong."

My heart fluttered after hearing those words. I was already strong but then she wanted to be the one to strengthen me which I hadn't heard in years.

My princess was the last one who told that but now she's...gone.


We ate our lunch on the long table. The food was really tasty. After lunch like the queen had said before, I was waiting for her on the ground outside the palace. It was grassy but then beautiful with the trees filled with cherry blossoms. While I was admiring the beauty of this place, the queen came with two guards behind her. She asked, grabbing my attention "Admiring the beauty of this place, huh?"

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