Chapter 5

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Jungkook's pov

My eyes widened. I felt the words caught in my throat. "N-No, I-I'm not a m-man." I said, stuttering. She took out her sword and placed it next to my neck. I made my horse stop and just looked at the sword. "Are you a man?" I didn't answer her. "You know what, even though I'm way of killing with my sword doesn't change. Answer me."

"I said that I'm a woman, Daebi-mama."

"Then why did you say that you're a man?"

"B-Because, I-I wanted to know what will you do if I said the word 'man'?" I didn't get any better reason. She chuckled a bit and she took her sword away from my neck. She said "Well, it would have been better if you just said the word 'man', instead of saying that you're a man. You would have gotten yourself killed."

Phew! That was a close call. I would have gotten my throat slit by now if I didn't tell such a reason. Gotta admit, few times I do love my brain. Saving me from most of the troubles. I love you brain.

"Anyways, back to the topic. What's the name of the perfume you use?" she asked. Well, the best part is I didn't name the perfume yet. But then I had to answer her so I was looking at my surroundings to find a name.

Tree! Nah, that's too dumb.

How about soil? No, that's just the worst thing ever.

I saw fog at a distance. And I got the name. What could be better than that.

"Fogg!" I blurted out.

"Fog? You mean that thing which looks kinda smokey."

"No, it sounds the same but then the spelling is different."

"What's the spelling?"

"F-O-G-G" I spelled it out.

"Isn't that the same thing? What's the difference? You just added another 'G'."

"Well, that's just the name of my perfume. I like the name."

She laughed a bit and said "You're funny. I'm liking you already, Kookieana." She said, leaning on me.

"By the way, why do you hate men?" I asked.

"Again, that's related to my past too."


We reached Silla. She got off my horse and I got off too. She lost her balance again and I caught her again. I slung her right arm around my neck, making sure that she wouldn't lose her balance again. Since it was midnight, everyone was asleep. Before entering her palace she sent her horse away and then we entered. I didn't know which way was to her room. I asked her "Which way to your room?"

"Umm...go up the stairs." As she instructed, I did so. Her palace was enormous. We went up the stairs and I asked her "Now what?" She looked around and pointed towards another staircase on the left. I breathed out heavily and started making my way towards the staircase. I was about to step on the first step with her until when I heard someone shout "Who's there?" I turned around to see who it was. It was a young woman. I got scared.

Ok, I have a question right now. Are all the women in this kingdom beautiful? I haven't seen women in years. When was the last time I saw a woman... okay, actually I'm looking at two right now so there's no last time now?

Lost in my thoughts, the woman came running towards us. She saw Jina and said "Eonni!"

"Oh hey, Kyuhyun-ahhhhhh, how you doing?" Jina said.

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