Chapter 24

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"Right, Daebi-mama. But what if I say that Kookieana is a.... man."


Oh Jungkook, you're so dead now....

Jina's pov

"What! I don't understand, Lisa. Why would Kookieana be a man?"

"Well, Daebi-mama.... Why don't we go to her room or rather his room?"

"Lisa.... You're scaring me. What's going on?"

"Daebi-mama, let's go. We're wasting time." She said, before pulling me by the wrist and taking me towards Kookieana's room.

I know this is all just a game. She's trying to fool me. Maybe she's holding a grudge against Kookieana. That's why she's telling me that Kookieana is a man.

We stood in front of Kookieana's room. I saw that it was locked from outside. I was confused. I asked "Lisa, why-'' but she shushed me down and opened the door slowly. We entered her room and my eyes widened. I couldn't believe it. There was a man in my palace and he was sleeping peacefully on Kookieana'a bed. I asked "Where's Kookieana? Doesn't she know about this?"

"Daebi-mama..... don't feel bad with what I'm going to say now."

"Lisa... tell me whatever it is."

"Daebi-mama.... Kookieana is-''

"Is what?"

"Kookieana is this man sleeping on the bed."


"She's not a woman, Daebi-mama. He's a man. He's come from Jeonha Seokjin's kingdom. He works for Jeonha Seokjin."

I felt my heart shatter into pieces. I felt betrayed. I trusted her with all my heart. She was like another sister to me. I felt like she was more than a sister.

Sorry... I'm using 'she' instead of 'he'....

I felt my eyes getting teary. I held back my tears. I felt my throat go dry. I said, as my voice got heavier "Then... what are we waiting for? Let's kill him." I took out my sword. I saw Lisa smirk mischievously. Lisa shouted, "THERE'S A MAN IN THE PALACE!"

Jungkook's pov

I heard someone shout that there was a man in the palace. I jolted up and saw the queen and Lisa standing in front of me. I saw the queen holding her sword tight in her hands. I asked, taking my sword in my hands "Daebi-mama, where's the man?"

She looked at me with anger. I couldn't understand anything at first. But then, I saw Lisa smirk at me mischievously and that smirk made me understand everything. I looked at myself and realized that I wasn't under the guise of a woman anymore. I was a man. I had showed her who I really was. I dropped my sword in shock. I saw ministers, guards, servants and other women of the palace gather in my room.

"I trusted you." The queen said. I could feel the queen's voice get heavy. I was afraid. She screamed before running towards me with her sword. I jumped from my bed and jumped out of the window. I jumped from window to window. I was good at climbing. I entered a room and saw that it was the queen's room. I saw the room's door closed. I hid next to the dresser as it was big enough. I sat on the ground in exhaustion.

Nobody will come here as it's the queen's room. I'll be safe here.

I felt something bumpy underneath me. I moved a bit from the place to see what was there. I saw nothing but the floor. But the floor was uneven. It was just one tile which was little but above the floor. There was a small handle next to it. I hesitantly held the handlebar. I breathed out heavily before opening it. I saw a small chest inside. I took out the chest and closed the tile.

The chest looked dusty. I dusted off the dust with my hands and opened the chest. I saw some things in it and a few paintings. I took out the paintings in my hands. There were two paintings. I took the first painting and examined it. My eyes widened. My mind went blank. My heart stopped at that moment. I felt my hands tremble. My knuckles went white. My face was pale. I felt everything disappearing in front of me. All I could see was the painting.



Jina's pov

"Search every nook and corner of this palace. He shouldn't escape this kingdom." I shouted. Kyuhyun came running towards me and she said "Eonni, we'll take care of this. He should be inside the palace somewhere. You go to Jeonha Seokjin and put a full stop to this. Cause, if we don't' then.... He will do the same thing again and again and there are chances of having trust issues with people. You go, eonni. I'll take care of this. Trust me."

"I trust you, Kyuhyun-ah. I'll take my leave right away." I said, sighing out heavily.

"Come back home safely. I love you, eonni." She said, hugging me.

"I love you too." I said, hugging her back. We let go of each other and nodded. I ran out of my palace and went to the stables. I took my horse and sat on his back. I hit the straps and my horse neighed before running through the kingdom and out of the kingdom.

"I should've trusted you at first. You told me that he was a man but since he looked like a woman, I didn't trust you. I'm sorry. It's all my fault. I should've trusted you. I should've." I said to my horse.

"It's not your fault. Anyone must've thought that he was a woman because of the way he looked. Now, let's put a full stop to this." My horse neighed. I hit the straps again making him run faster. We entered Seokjin's kingdom. 

I got off my horse and stood in front of the palace. I could feel everyone's eyes on me. I took out my sword and climbed up the stairs and stood in front of the big doors to his palace.

I was about to enter but two guards stopped me. They wouldn't allow me inside because I was holding my sword in my hands. I said, "If you wanna live then I insist you get out of my way."

But then they didn't let me in. I was so angry that I could kill anyone who came in my way. I took my sword and was about to slit one of the guards' throat but I stopped. I didn't want to take a person's life just for a small thing. "It won't even take me a second to slit that throat of yours so... Open. The. Door."

They got scared and opened the big doors to his palace. I entered his palace and saw him sit on his throne. I saw him smirk at me. He said "Aww... looks like Daebi-mama Jina is angry~" 

I bit my teeth in anger. "By the way you're holding your sword and the anger in your eyes... I see that you're on the verge of killing somebody."

"And that will be you of course."

"Well, what did I do?"

"Don't act so innocent. I know that you're the one sent a guy to my kingdom under the guise of a woman to kill me."

"Oh great! You know it now. It's strange that he didn't kill you though." He said, walking down the small staircase and standing in front of me. "Very strange...." He whispered. I was about to lift up my sword but then he held my wrist. "Uh-uh, you're not going to kill me. You know me well, Jina LEE. You wouldn't want to kill me. You'll regret it then."

"I just cut Jeonha Chul's head off a day ago. What makes you think that I won't cut off your head?"

"Because that was Jeonha Chul and this is Jeonha Seokjin. I know you well, Jina. You won't kill me because you don't want to."

"I can kill you." I said, looking at him in the eye.

"Confident girl! I like your confidence level. But I would like you to think before talking because like I said before... you'll regret it then."

"Well then, what are we waiting for? Let's see who regrets."

"Whatever you say, Daebi-mama Jina." 

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