Chapter 6 - Personal Secretary

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The three ship girls that Maverick mentioned appears in his office together with Hood and Wales. Enterprise seems happy about being summoned by the hotshot pilot. Ark Royal on the other hand couldn't hide her nervousness. Bismarck also seems to be happy for being summoned by the new base commander. Maverick starts to talk on why he had them summoned to his office.

Maverick: Good morning girls. Now I assume that all three of you want to know why I summoned you three girls.

Ark Royal: Yes we do sir. Is there something wrong with our fitness reports sir?

Enterprise: If it's my being annoying sir. I will be glad to accept any punishment you will give me sir.

Bismarck: Had I known that you want to see me again sir I would have brought some chocolates with me.

Maverick: Well it's not entirely about your fitness reports girls. I will make this quick. Starting with you Miss Ark Royal. A lot of complaints from the younger ship girls are attached to your fitness report.

Ark Royal: Sir I just want to be close to them that is all.

Maverick: Unfortunately it's on the brink of sexual harassment. So I decided to have you go on rehab Ark Royal. You're mentally unstable and unfit for any duties on this base.

Ark Royal: Sir please reconsider your punishment. I can't last a day without doing anything.

Maverick: All you did was follow the young ones around. I'm sorry Ark Royal. Until you are fully cured of your mental health and your sexual urges. I will have to send you to a mental asylum in England. So you better start packing now. You're dismissed.

Ark Royal: Yes sir! I understand sir. (Turns around and walks away from the office.)

Hood: That takes care of our lolicon problems.

Wales: The young ones will be relieved once they hear this bit of good news.

Hood: I agree.

Maverick: Ahem!

Hood and Wales: Sorry sir.

Maverick: It's ok. Anyways...... Miss Bismarck you have an almost near perfect fitness report. How would you like to be second in command to Miss Hood as her vice combat operations chief?

Bismarck: I gladly accept sir!

Maverick: That is good to know. Miss Wales, Miss Hood, Miss Bismarck. You may leave my office now. Miss Wales let me know if there are other issues that needs to be settled next week.

Wales: Aye aye sir! (Turns around and leaves the office.)

Hood: Sir I would like to recommend Miss Belfast to be your personal maid. If it's ok with you.

Maverick: No need for that Miss Hood. You and Miss Bismarck may leave now. I have already someone in mind to be both my personal secretary and maid at the same time.

Hood: I understand sir.

Bismarck: Commander I can bring you some chocolates that I made when I get some free time.

Maverick: Sure Miss Bismarck. I'm looking forward to tasting your chocolates again.

Bismarck: I will leave now sir. Take care.

Maverick: Yeah...... Take care too Miss Bismarck.

Enterprise didn't like the way Bismarck talked to Maverick. She gives her the death glare as the latter leaves the office. She felt jealous after hearing Bismarck about bringing him chocolates on her free time. She looks back at the man she thinks is her favorite pilot. She smiles as she looks at him eye to eye. Now that they're alone together. She is now excited to hear what Maverick is going to say. She quickly hides her excitement and puts on a serious look on her face.

Maverick: Now for you Miss Enterprise.

Enterprise: Yes sir?

Maverick: You will be my personal secretary and maid at the same time. I'm restricting you to office and kitchen duties. Therefore...... You're not allowed to participate in any surveillance and combat operations. If you violate this restriction I will pull the plug from you. Do I make myself clear?

Enterprise: (Secretly giggling and smiling.) Crystal clear sir!

Maverick: I know that you're going to ask why I am restricting you to offer duties. So listen carefully. I have read your fitness report carefully. It seems that you are suffering from post traumatic stress disorder or PTSD.

Enterprise: That's impossible sir. I don't think I am suffering from something like that.

Maverick: You can't fool me missy. When you were a ship, you lost your sister Yorktown at Midway. Then you lost Hornet at Santa Cruz. You took a lot of hits. You even got hit by friendly fire from a destroyer. The last major damage that you endured was when your number one elevator deck flew off from it's position. And it was a result of a great maneuver done by a lone unnamed Japanese fighter pilot.

Enterprise: (Starts to shiver after being reminded of those events.) Please don't remind me of my past sir. I want to forget about that.

Maverick: Then that is why I am restricting you to office duties. You can begin to do start your new duties next week. In the meantime you can go back to your room and rest. That will be all. You're dismissed.

Enterprise: Thank you sir. (Turns around and leaves the office.)

Enterprise closes the door and walks away from the office slowly. She begins to smile as she is going to be with Maverick all the time. Deep inside of her she feels happy about being his personal secretary and maid at the same time. Enterprise begins to hum happily as she walks back to her room. She can't hide her excitement to work as a personal secretary and maid. Now that she's been assigned a new job. She gets the golden opportunity to stay by Maverick's side always. And that she will be always cooking and serving him food. And at the same time she will help him with all of the paperwork to be done.

Meanwhile Maverick is sitting behind his desk and looks outside the window. He sees a Cesna Corvalis flying by the base. He looks at the picture of him and his deceased girlfriend Samantha Blakeley. Once again he is hit with the memory of her tragic death. He decides to stand up and change into his flight suit. He then goes out of the headquarters and drives to the airbase. He heads straight towards the hangar where his F-18E super hornet is parked.

He starts the engine and taxis to the runway. As soon as he reaches the tarmac he checks all of his instruments as well as the flaps and rudders of the aircraft. With everything carefully checked. Maverick pushes the throttle and goes full afterburners as he takes off.

Enterprise looks out the window and sees Maverick's hornet in the air. She decides not to follow him knowing that he is just doing his usual aerial maneuvers and routine patrol. Something that her favorite pilot Lt. Cdr. Willy "Sly Fox" Fernandez used to do when he was still alive.

Meanwhile, another ship girl is interested in meeting the new base commander. Unfortunately for her, Maverick had locked the office and has the key with him. And it might take a few hours before he lands and comes back to the office. Tough luck for her as she doesn't know that he's currently in the air. And the hotshot pilot has no interest in flying slowly. He continues to fly the aircraft at supersonic speed. He is now flying at low level and he's almost running out of fuel. Just as he is about to almost hit a mountain. He quickly pulls up and heads back to base.

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