Chapter 2 - Reminder of the Past

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Wales and the other seven girls leave Maverick's office to do what he ordered. Enterprise decided to stay with him thinking that he is someone from her past. Maverick didn't notice that the silver haired has stayed behind. He turns around and sees her standing by his desk. He decides to question her decision to stay behind.

Maverick: It's there a problem miss?

Enterprise: You! You're Willy "Sly Fox" Fernandez from my fighter squadron back in world war 2.

Maverick: You must be mistaken miss. I'm not this Willy Fernandez that you're talking about. I'm sure that you already heard my name. And my call sign is Maverick and not Sly Fox.

Enterprise: I'm sorry....... I guess you must have been pretty shaken up after you crash landed on my flight deck.

Maverick: Look missy. I'm not who you think I am. I'm a fighter pilot that graduated from the naval academy in Annapolis, Maryland. And I am also a certified Top Gun graduate. If you don't have anything else to do please leave me alone.

Enterprise: Yeah...... I guess you need some time alone. I'm sorry. I'm going back to my room now. Please take care of yourself Willy.

Maverick: For the last time! Ugh! Forget it. Get some rest missy. I have to familiarize myself with the place.

Enterprise: Yeah...... Goodbye commander. I'm sorry for being so annoying. (Turns around and leaves the office crying.)

Maverick: Finally...... "That girl...... Ugh! If she becomes a pain in the ass I'm leaving this base. Nevermind if I get dishonorably discharged for neglect of my duties as commander."

While Maverick familiarizes himself with his office. He thinks about the time he was still with his carrier strike group. Especially when he was still new in the navy. And up to his current situation as the new base commander of Azur Lane. Yet he still questions in his mind about Admiral Johnson recommending him to be a base commander instead of being transferred to another unit.

Maverick's P.o.V.

"Ugh! I know what I did was plain stupid. But why the hell did Admiral Johnson recommend me to become a base commander? First of all I don't know how to lead a fleet of ship girls. Second I don't know what it feels like to give out orders while I am sitting on a swivel chair. If Admiral Johnson thinks that being a base commander will make me mellow down on my unauthorized flybys. Then he's wrong. I can get to train on my own and do a lot of flybys whenever I want to. After all I am the commanding officer in this base. But that silver haired girl. She's going to be a major problem for me. I just don't get it why did she call me Willy. Who is this pilot named Willy "Sly Fox" Fernandez? And why did she just say that I crash landed on her flight deck. And that it must have shaken me up pretty badly. I must ask someone to do some research about this pilot. Unless he's my ancestor. Then he could be flying the way I do."

End of Maverick's P.o.V.

As Maverick continues to ponder the mystery surrounding the name Willy "Sly Fox" Fernandez. Enterprise is in her room crying her heart out as she couldn't accept that the man she just talked with denied being the pilot she once new. She decides to take out a picture of the pilot who is in his F6F Hellcat on her flight deck when she was still a ship. Tears continue to flow down from her eyes as she looks at the photo. She begins to reminisce of the day he arrived on her flight deck.

Enterprise's P.o.V.

"I remember Willy on his first day as a naval aviator. He was the new guy in his squadron. There's not a day that he likes spending most of his time alone. And yet when I had my first respite from fighting he was the first one to score a girl at a bar in Pearl Harbor. He was an unknown pilot back then. When his fellow naval aviators saw him kissing a girl. They immediately called him Sly Fox. The branding became his call sign. Pretty soon the guys begin to befriend him. But what I like about him is his habit of kissing my flight deck. The guys would ask him why he keeps doing that. He simply replied that it's not only for good luck but an assurance to me that he will come back alive after every mission. Willy...... I know that it's you that I just talked to. Please remember those days that you were kissing me."

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