Chapter 8

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Gabby and Matt sat in the waiting room of the maternity ward. Today was Gabby's 16 week checkup and she was anxious of what the scan would bring up. Matt on the other hand, seemed to be excited at seeing the baby on the ultrasound and hearing the heartbeat. The room was filled with women in various stages of pregnancy. Some had barely visible bumps while others had obvious protruding bumps that made Gabby a little scared knowing hers would soon enough be that big. Each time a couple came out with huge smiles on their faces, holding an ultrasound picture, Gabby felt her heart break a little knowing she wouldn't get to experience quite the same thing. She knew Matt would probably share the same excitement as all the fathers seemed to show, but he wouldn't be able to share it knowing he was the father of the baby. But each time, Gabby just kept reminding herself to be grateful that she still had Matt in her life.

"Gabriela Dawson." A nurse called out.

They both stood up and Gabby halted when she felt a hand slip into hers. She looked back and Matt smiled at her and squeezed her hand reassuringly before they both walked behind the door with the nurse. Gabby was beyond thankful Matt had agreed to come with her because her heart was beating a mile a minute and could feel herself shaking with nervousness. They walked a little further down before they stopped at a nurses station.

"Alright, Ms. Dawson, I'm going to take your vitals and make sure everything is where it's supposed to be and then I'll take you to your room." The nurse informed her as she set her clipboard down and led Gabby to a chair where they checked her temperature, blood pressure, and blood sugar levels.

A few minutes later Gabby and Matt were in a room waiting for the doctor to come in. Gabby had now changed into a hospital gown and was laying on the bed while Matt sat by her side, his hand still intertwined with hers.

"Are you more excited or nervous to see the baby?" Matt spoke, breaking the silence.

"Both. I'm excited to see how much they've grown but I'm also worried that something will be wrong." Gabby admitted. Matt opened his mouth to say something but was interrupted by a knock on the door. The doctor stepped in a few seconds later and smiled at both of them.

"Good morning, I am Dr. Rose, I'll be doing your 16 week ultrasound today. How are you feeling so far Ms. Dawson?" She greeted, shaking both Gabby and Matt's hands.

Gabby sighed. "I've only been experiencing a little back pain here and there but nothing too extreme."

Dr. Rose nodded and wrote in her notebook. She then set it down and turned on the machine and grabbed the bottle of gel. "Alright, today we're going to check on your baby's size, heartbeat and of course both of your health status'. Are you still taking the blood pressure medication you were prescribed?"

"I ran out last week and didn't bother to ask for a refill because I wanted to wait for this appointment and see if I really needed it." Gabby admitted. A week after she began taking the medicine she actually started to feel better but kept taking it just to be safe.

"Okay, your blood pressure seems to be back to normal. I am going to prescribe you another refill but I only want you to take that if you feel the symptoms arise again. Other than that, just remember to watch what you're eating, don't do anything too strenuous and check your blood pressure daily. Now, are you both ready to see the baby?"

Matt squeezed Gabby's hand which he was still holding and nodded. Dr. Rose dimmed the lights and began the ultrasound. Just a few seconds later the loud noise of the baby's heartbeat echoed off the walls. Gabby felt her eyes water at the sound of the heartbeat. Every time she heard it, it sounded more beautiful than the last. Knowing their baby was well and alive was a small weight off her shoulders. She turned over to look at Matt and saw he also had tears in his eyes which held an unwavering stare to the screen.

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