Chapter 2

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Gabby all but ran down the hallway and sighed in relief when she finally got to Matt's room. He was still intubated and had a bandage wrapped around his head as well as some bruising on his face. She walked further into the room and sat down in the chair next to the bed and took Matt's hand in hers.

"Hey, baby, I don't know if you can hear me, but I just wanted to tell you to stay strong and fight this. Dr. Rhodes said the surgery went well, but I know head injuries can go south pretty quick." Gabby squeezed his hand and let out a shaky breath, "I have something to tell you, Matt, so you better wake up so I can tell you. It's something that I hope you're going to be happy about. I wasn't going to tell the others until I told you but I had to because I got sick and they suspected something was wrong. I love you, Matt, please stay strong." She whispered and leaned up to press a kiss to his cheek.

After Dr. Rhodes and Dr. Halstead checked on Matt later on, Gabby got as comfortable as she could in the chair and fell asleep. It wasn't until the monitor began beeping frantically and the sound of doctors and nurses rushing into the room that she woke back up again.

"Matt! What's going on?" She asked Dr. Halstead.

"Gabby, you need to step out please." April said softly.

"No! Someone tell me what's going on!"

"Gabby, please." April said again, her voice a little more stern this time.

Gabby huffed and stepped out of the room, tears running down her face as she watched Matt's pressure keep dropping. A hand came down on her shoulder and she jumped at the touch.

"It's just me, Kelly. Everyone else went back to the firehouse but Chief told me to stay. What's wrong with him?" Kelly asked.

"I don't know. They won't tell me."

Suddenly, the dreaded noise of Matt coding rang through Gabby's ears and she began sobbing harder. She turned around and buried her head into Kelly's chest and grabbed onto his shirt tightly.

"Gabby, he's going to make it. He has to." Kelly tried comforting her.

"I got a pulse!" April yelled.

Gabby's head shot up and watched as they began to roll Matt away. "Wait, where are you guys taking him?"

"He's going back to the OR, he's bleeding internally and that's what caused him to crash." Will explained.

"There's something you're not telling us." Kelly accused.

Will sighed and looked between Gabby and Kelly. "Because we didn't notice the bleeding before and we don't know how long he has been bleeding for, there's a chance he won't make it. I'm sorry."

"No! You said he would be okay. You said the only problem he would have would probably be his memories. You said—" Gabby didn't get to finish her yelling because the next moment she felt dizzy and fell to the ground as darkness clouded her vision.

"Gabby!" Kelly exclaimed as he caught her before she hit the ground.

"I need a gurney!" Will yelled. A few nurses rushed one over to him and they transferred her into one of the examining rooms. After a thorough examination the only thing wrong was her blood pressure which was too high and was putting her baby at risk. "Have her sedated and monitor her blood pressure." Will told one of the nurses as he took off his gloves and walked out to Kelly.

"She's going to be fine once we get her blood pressure back down. The stress from today must've gotten to her but as long as we can get it down she and the baby should be okay. We sedated her to let her body rest and will wake up in a few hours."

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