Chapter 5

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The next morning Gabby cleaned around the apartment picking up the things she had left out the afternoon before. Today Matt was coming home with her and she was nervous about it. She had breakfast after cleaning and was making sure everything was in its place in the guest bedroom. Her stomach churned and she ran out to the hallway bathroom where she threw up. Normally her morning sickness would be ending soon as she was nearing the second trimester but since she started having it late she knew it would most likely go on. Gabby knew Matt would catch on to it and she still didn't know if she should tell him. She brushed her teeth once she was done and changed into better clothes to head to the hospital.

When she got there, Matt was sitting in the waiting room talking to a little girl, well more like listening to her babble away. He noticed her and Gabby knew he said something to the little girl because she took of running to her mom. "For a second I thought you had forgotten all about me." He smiled and stood up.

"I'm sorry. I was cleaning the apartment and making sure your room was ready." Gabby glanced over at the little girl who was looking at them with curious eyes. "I see you made a new friend."

"Oh yeah, Emily. I was sitting down with my head back and suddenly something bumps into my leg. I looked down and she was on the floor looking up at me. She's such a cute kid. I didn't understand much of what she was saying since it was all babbles. Though I'm sure she was probably going on about how I should be more careful of where I put my legs. I'm sure according to her it was my fault that she fell, but hey I'm not about to argue with a little girl."

Gabby laughed at Matt's words and wondered what he would be like with their baby. "You made a smart decision in not arguing with her. Are you ready to go?"

"Yeah, i've got everything I need and already signed my papers."

Gabby nodded and began walking out to her car, Matt following behind her. She was going to offer to take Matt out for breakfast but when she glanced over at him he looked tired and decided to go straight home instead. She was partly glad because she wasn't feeling so good either and wanted to try and take a nap. She parked in her usual spot in front of the steps to the door and gently nudged Matt who had fallen asleep.

"Hey, we're here." She spoke softly. They both stepped out of the car and walked into the apartment. Gabby saw Matt freeze as soon as he stepped in and became worried. "Matt? Is everything okay?"

"Yeah, just got a little dizzy for a second." He reassured.

"The doctor gave you some medicine for that right? You should take some and get some rest."

Matt waved a hand Gabby. "I'm fine. I've gotten enough rest at the hospital and I took some medicine before leaving."


"Gabby, I'm fine." He growled and she frowned at the tone of his voice.

Matt sighed. "I'm sorry, it's just everyone's been on me the past two days and there's only so much I can't take.

"It's okay. I completely understand how you feel. I swear I start going crazy whenever someone asks how I'm feeling the second time." She placed her purse and keys on the front table and walked to the kitchen. "Do you want some coffee or breakfast?" She offered, taking out the dishes from the sink and drying them.

"No, thank you. Uh, can you show me the way to my room please?"

Gabby set down the dish she was drying and motion for him to follow. "This is your room. I already put your clothes in the dresser and hung some of it in the closet. Feel free to move anything you want around. There's a closet across from you which has extra blankets, sheets, and towels. The door next to the closet is the bathroom and under the sink there's extra toiletries for you to use. My room is the one at the end of the hallway, if you need anything feel free to come wake me."

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