Chapter 1- Havers

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The Captain stood in his favourite spot in the house; just by the window of his old office (now his bedroom). The memories it gave him weren't particualrly pleasant, and although who he remembered brought tears to his eyes (if he could cry) every time he thought of him, he didn't want to forget him. Not yet.

He gazed out of the window and allowed the memories to hit him like a tidal wave.


The war was at its peak and battles were raging all over Europe. Well everywhere but Britain which was exactly where the Captain was stationed. He had served in the front lines in the later stages of the First World War and enjoyed the adrenaline it gave him; he also enjoyed the weaponry and being able to handle it.

Cap was pacing up and down his office, clutching his swagger stick behind him and keeping an upright posture. He was thinking of ideas for project William and working out ways to pitch it to Havers. Even though he was a commanding officer, he didn't want to make any decisions on the matter without his Lieutenant.

As he passed the window again, he came to an abrupt stop as a saw a man in uniform make his way up the drive of Button House.
Havers. He thought.
Cap rushed over to his desk and made sure his tie was straight and his hair was in place (though it always was, he never let himself look anything less than presentable). He sat down and corrected his posture and made himself look busy.

Not too long later, there was a knock at the door.
"Come on in," The Captain said.
"Sir," a man came in and saluted.
"Er, at ease, Havers," Cap tried to conceal his content to see his second in command.
"I have some plans, sir," he closed the door behind him, "for project William, sir."
"Ah, splendid," Cap stood, "as do I, shall we discuss them now?"
"If that suits you, sir."

Cap pulled up a chair for the Lieutenant and they discussed the plans in hushed tones for a good hour or so.

The Captain found himself admiring Havers at every little opportunity he got that wouldn't make it too obvious.
Everything about Havers was perfect. His posture, how well he wore the uniform, his smile his hair, his ideas and intellect... The Captain could go on naming all the things about him that he loved. As he watched his Lieutenant work, he wished with all his heart that he could tell him how he felt. Oh how he longed to be with that man, but there was nothing he could do... thats just how the world wanted him to be, alone forever, unable to be with the only person he ever truly loved.

~Present day~

"Hey Cap," a cheery, but fairly concerned voice called behind him.
Captain cleared his throat, straightened his posture and held a firmer grip on his swagger stick, removing all visible emotions that might have been on display off his face.
"Yes Patrick?" He turned around.
"You alright? You're late to food club, the others said they hadn't seen you for the past few hours and it's not like you to be late."
"Yes," he cleared his throat again, "I'll be right there. Apologies for my tardiness, if any punishments are in order, I'll take them."
"Oh no, that won't be necessary, Cap, this isn't the war."
Part of Cap felt like punishment would help him take his mind off the war he was having with himself.

They both made their way down to the living room in silence, Pat didn't want to push the Captain to answer any questions he wasn't willing to answer.

"You're late!" Julian exclaimed laughing, "and you yell at me for not arriving on time!"
"Unacceptable..." Lady Button said.
"Yous never bees late..." Mary mumbled.
"Guys, please," Pat said above the rest,  "the Captain has probably just had a bad day."
Thomas knew it was probably something more, and he might try and ask him later.
"It's quite alright, Patrick. I shouldn't have lost track of the time. I'll take any punishments, but delaying this further won't get us anywhere."
"Ooo punishments..." Julian said with a sly grin.
"I don't want anyone getting hurt..." Kitty said to herself.
"Oo! Oo! Me know one!" Robin yelled.
"Guys please! There will be no punishments! How many times have all of you been late?"
"Never..." Fanny said.
"Other than you, Lady Button. Point is, he doesn't need punished. Let's just get on with food club, okay?"
"Mmh... agreed..." Captain said.

He was hoping to take his mind of Havers for once, usually he didn't mind, but this time he'd got in the way of time management, and he knew it was going too far now. Although he loved him ever so dearly, he knew he couldn't be with them and would have to move on, but he didn't know how. He'd never had to move on before... he'd never even loved anyone before Havers.

As the group began with food club, the Captain survayed the room, looking for people who might be able to give some advice (he wouldn't ask them directly though, obviously, no body needed to know why he needed the advice).
Thomas? No... He thought. He can't even get over Alison...
Pat? Stuck on his wife...
Fanny? Homophobic and still angry at her husband.
Mary? Did she ever have a love life?
Robin? He doesn't believe in monogamy.
Kitty? Too...childish... wouldn't understand.
Julian? Sleeps with pretty much everyone he sees... doubt he's ever been with anyone seriously and had to get over them.

It was useless. No one here would know anything about what he needed... Maybe Alison would have an idea? Though he doubted she would of had to her over anyone... shes with Mike after all...
He'd have to find his own way...

"Hey! Anyone hear me? Could someone tell me what's going on?" A head called from a hole in the ceiling.

Humphrey had the occasional wise word right? Well he was going to find out.

Hope you enjoyed the first chapter! I'll try and get the next part out as soon as I can, but I have a very busy weekend coming up 😭😭😭

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