Chapter 4- Investigation

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"So... how much do you know?" Cap asked, his voice hoarse.
"Well," Alison looked around, making sure no other ghosts were present, "I know how you feel- well felt- about your Lieutenant Havers, but I stopped reading it after I felt I had invaded your privacy enough."
"We'll never speak of this again, Alison. You must keep anything you have learnt from that book strictly confidential!" He felt like curling up and re-dying in a ditch somewhere.
"If that's what you want, then I respect that," Alison smiled, sorrow in her eyes. She hated seeing anyone like this and the thought of what the captain had repressed for years shook her to the core, "just know that I accept you and you're the same old walrus you always were and-"
"Thank you," he cut in, eager to get the conversation over with.
"If you want to look through Haver's things, they're in the attic laid out on your desk, I'll pack them up by morning."
The Captain gave a stiff nod and watched her make her way back to the house.

Desperately, he wanted to rummage through the memories and see Haver's face again, but at the same time he knew that would only hold him back. He had to move on, but he wanted to stay where he was. He was stuck.

Cap continued his stroll through the gardens but was rudly interrupted by a nosy politician.
"Soooo," Julian began, "Havers huh?"
"Drop it, Fawcett," he tried to leave.
"You've gained my attention."
"I don't want it."
"Awww, c'mon Cap, I'd love to know all the juicy details!" Julian kept on his heels as they walked.
"There's nothing 'juicy' about it." The Captain was getting irritated.
"I know a secret when I see one,"
"Then you must know when one wants to be kept. I know numerous things about you that the others don't, Fawcett and if you wish for them things to remain confidential I suggest you jolly well bugger off and drop this whole thing!"
Julian was taken aback. Cap had never snapped like that in all the years Julian had been dead and he was starting to regret it.
"Are you threatening to black mail me, Captain?"
He hated the idea and couldn't belive he had brought it up, but he straightend himself up, "Yes." He admitted and walked away.

"Blackmailing, huh..." Julian said to himself, "didn't strike me as that kind of bloke... mmm still a secret I want to get to the bottom of though..."

The Captain made his way up to the attic and the things were all there as Alison promised. He didn't get close enough to see them all in detail, and still the other side of the loft, staring at the desk. Around half an hour past before he saluted out of respect upon Haver's memory and made his way downstairs.
"You can send them off now," he said, passing Alison, "burn the journal if you so wish. I don't want Julian anywhere near it."
"Oh, alright," Alison picked it up, "I know it must be hard, Cap, but everyone here will accept you, I hope you know that."
"Mmmh... if only it were that simple," he walked off.

The next day, Scott came back after Alison called him and took the stuff back, thanking her as he left.
"What ails you, Captain?" Thomas poped up behind him.
"Hm? Oh nothing that concerns you, Thorne." He responded sharply.
"You look at him seemingly the way I were to look at Alison. Is that the case?"
"What? Lord no! How dare you even suggest that!" The Captain snapped, taking a step back.
"'Tis but a question I wished to be answered," he smiled and left.
"Yes well, it's certainly not him I'm interested in!"
"Then who?"
"Just be gone with yourself, man!"
Thomas smiled and left, darting through a wall.

"Ah, well done Thorne," Julian switched on the TV.
"Now, can I watch-" Thomas started.
"Ah-ah-ah, it's my turn," Julian smirked.
"Balderdash! You swore that if I did that-!" Julian cut him off.
"No, no, no," he chuckled, "I gave you a politician's promise. They're worth nothing,"
"Outrageous sir!" Thomas marched off.
Julian chuckled to himself as he flicked the TV over to an episode of Love Island.

Hi! Sorry I haven't published anything for this story in so long!! I've had so many other things going on and I completely forgot! Sorry if this one doesn't make much sense, but here we are. Thank you for your patience and support.

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