Chapter 5- Clubs

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"Ah, Captain! How are you?" A voice piped up behind Cap as he began his morning stroll.
"I'm, quite alright, Patrick. Yourself?" He continued walking.
"I'm doing great! I was just wondering if you wanted to start up another club? We've had quite a few staying the same and people have started to say they're drying up a bit..." Pat sounded a but hurt, and Cap figured it was probaby Julian who made the remarks.
"Ah, alright then," The Captain eased up a little, it was nice not to be hounded with questions about Havers, "what did you have in mind?"
Pat chattered on, giving his list of ideas, some were truly ludicrous, but Cap didn't let that be known, eventually they settled on a handful of ideas.
"So we begin this afternoon then?" The scout leader smiled, pleased someone had helped him organise things.
"Yes. We shall begin at 12 hundred hours sharp. Don't be late."
"Wouldn't dream of it!" Pat chuckled and jogged back to the others to explain the new schedule.

The rest of the day went by with out anything too unusual. The changes were made in the schedule and the clubs seemed to have just that extra bit of life to them. Only thing out of place was Julian occasionally side-eyeing Cap which in unnerved him a little.

"Soooo Captain," Julain approached him after food club (Pat and Cap decided it was a classic and couldn't be removed).
"What do you want, Fawcett? If you're asking about-" he started.
"No, no, no, I'm here to apologise."
"What?" The Captain nearly laughed. Julian never apologises.
"Alison asked me to, apparently I've been 'too pushy'."
"Ah. Well, it's quite alright..." it wasn't, but he wanted this conversation over as soon as possible.
"Good. I'm glad. Apologies aren't my thing really." Julian made his way over to the chess table and began began play himself.
"Right." The Captain left and made a mental note to thank Alison later.

Julian didn't bother him for the rest of the week as promised, however it made the Captain more on edge than ever, anticipating an attack.
Despite his anticipation, he managed to have some time alone to think. Did he want to get over Havers? Of course he'd still remember him, but the feelings he had could never be acted upon and were best left behind, he just couldn't figure out how to be rid of them. He realised that talking to Alison about it very briefly had lifted a weight off his shoulders that had been sitting there for close to a century. Maybe if he told someone else it would help? However he didn't want to risk that person then telling someone else about it without him knowing...

Another week or so passed with nothing major or dramatic happening, and the Captain thought that maybe everyone had forgotten about previous events and he thought he ought to have been happy about that, however part of him seemed to like the attention.

The army captain froze at the door when we saw the changes in the living room. Chairs were all formed in a circle, boards with times, plans and posters were dotted around the room and there were people just vacating the area. The Captain hated change without notice and this certainly wasn't a welcome one.
"Now eveyone, we have a new club due to a slight change of schedule," Pat announced, "we'll be doing a 'sharing club' as per Allison's request. Apparently it helps you deal with things?" Pat didn't sound so sure himself, but sat down and allowed Alison to take over and Cap took a seat.
"Right, so I know things are different from when you were alive, but now adays it's deemed healthy to talk about your feelings and past experiences, it helps you open up and move on from any trauma or incidents you have allowed to hold you back."
Cap took a sharp breath in. Was Alison trying to force him to come out? Was he going to have to tell everyone his deepest secret? One that he's locked away for almost a century?
"However," Alison continued, "you don't have to share if you don't want to or aren't ready," she looked in the Captain's direction and smiled. Maybe she wasn't trying to force him. Or was she? He was getting paranoid now.

Everyone began to share and the Captain was unnaturally quiet, even when some questionable things came up. Kitty revealed some things about her childhood that were plain to everyone else that her sister abused her, but she didn't seem to be able to see it. Cap felt so sorry for the girl and made a point to talk to her after and give her some reassurance.

When Thomas came to share, the Captain did add a few of his own remarks such as "Good Lord,", "Stop playing man, we all know that didn't happen," and "Julain, could you please be quiet." Thomas didn't appreciate many of the comments, however the last one was welcomed.

The others went around sharing things and then the spotlight came onto the Captain.
"Anything you'd like to share, Cap?" Pat asked.
"I, uh," he could feel all the eyes in the room on him, "Well... there, uh, there my be a thing, just a small thing, nothing major or earth-breaking, but it's something that-"
"Stop dilly dallying and get on with it," Julian said, eager to get to the bottom of it.
"Julian. Give him time, he doesn't have to if he doesn't want to," Alison said. She didn't want to force him into anything.
"Well... I'm..."

He's what???
Well I think we know, but will he say it?
Sorry, I've cut this part here, the next part won't be long, I promise I won't leave you on that months long cliffhanger like last time, I didn't think anyone was enjoying it so I just kinda stopped.
Anyways, I'll get onto writing the next part now :)

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