Chapter 2- The Visitor

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After food club, the Captain made his way upstairs to Humphrey. It wasn't often he interacted with the head; every time he did, it would always be the same question:
"Can you find my body?"
And every time he did, it wouldn't be long before his head fell right off again.

"Captain!" A voice called after him.
"Yes, Thorne?"
"I was wondering what may the thing be that bothers you?"
"Nothing. And if there were something, I'd inform you. Now, I'm going to replace Humphrey's head," Cap turned on his heels and left.
Thomas still didn't believe him, but knew it was useless trying to get anything out of him.

"Ah, Humphrey," Cap said upon his arrival.
"Is that the Captain I hear?"
"Indeed it is," the Captain picked up his head and placed it on the table facing him.
"What brings you to talk to me? Can you find my body?"
"Mmh, after. However, you're one of the ghosts in this house I know very little about."
"Maybe becuase you never bother to talk to me."
"Well, I'm willing to talk to you. Well, listen to you talk..." Cap had a feeling he was going to regret this, but he needed to establish a sense of trust between them to get the information he required.
"Really? Well, it all started when my wife and I got married..." Humphrey began.
The Captain listened, and found himself highly interested in what the head had to say. The more he listened, the further Havers was pushed to the back of his mind, and the more at peace he felt.

"So, that's my story," Humphrey concluded.
"Good Lord, I had no idea your life had been so... eventful."
"Tragic," he corrected, "now what about yourself?"
The Captain tightened his grip on his swagger stick once again, clearing his throat.
"I won't want to bore you with that. Let's just find your body shall we?"
"Alright, thanks."

The two made their way round the house and found the body of Humphrey, and the Captain placed his head upon it.
"I'll be on my way now, good day." Cap turned and left.

Nothing Humphrey had said had helped him, but it had taken his mind off Havers.
Oh Havers... he thought, Blast!
Now his Lieutenant was on his mind again. It seemed conversation was only a temporary solution...

"Well if it isn't Captain Tardy himself," Julian laughed at his own joke as the Captain passed.
Cap wasn't in the mood for Julian's mockery, and attempted to ignore him.
"How about those punishments you were after?" Julian stood and was now in Cap's face.
"Not now Julian," the war captain exhaled through his nose, clenching his jaw.
"Ooo someone's ruffled your feathers."
Cap tried to make his way past Julian again.
"Soooooo why were you late?"

There was a ring at the door.
"Ooh who could that be?" Julian's attention got re-directed and he headed downstairs to the front door.
Saved by the bell. Cap thought before making his way down to see who was at the door; he didn't want to seem off by not showing up to something again.

"Who is it? Who is it?" Kitty chimed, rushing down the stairs.
"We're about to find out," Alison said, opening the door, "Oh, hello."
"Whos be that?" Mary asked.
"Hi, I'm Scott Havers," he put his hand out for Alison to shake, and she took it, "I've been told my great uncle was stationed here during the start of the second World War and that some of his belongings are still here."
"Good Lord..." The Captain muttered.
Julian gave him a side glance.
"I can have a look through some things in the attic and see if I can find them," Alison said, ignoring the ghosts asking questions in her ears, "you want to come in or come back tomorrow or- look out!" She ducked as a pigeon flew through Scott.
"You alright...?"
"Er, yeah, sorry..."
"Here's my number," he handed her a piece of paper, "would you mind calling me if you find anything?"
"Absolutely," she said, taking the paper, "I'll see you soon then."
"Yes," the man smiled, "goodbye," he waved goodbye and left.

"Hey Cap, maybe you could help. Did you know a Havers?" Alison asked.
"Havers..." Cap muttered, frozen on the spot, not taking his eyes off the door.
"Cap?" Alison waved her hand upfront of his face.
He cleared his throat, "apologies, yes, Lieutenant Havers you'll be looking for..."
"Thanks," Alison decided she'd ask him about that little freeze afterwards.

"Now..." Julian started, "Captain Tardy or Captain Freeze?"
Cap simply walked off to find Alison, leaving the others to mock him all they pleased.

"Ah, Captain, could you help me? Do you know what the box he would've kept his stuff in would look like?"
"Small chestnut dresser, second drawer on the left."
"Thats very... specific... were you two close?"
Cap stiffened up again and couldn't get himself to muster up an answer.
"Okay then," Alison opened up the drawer and found a few items, but not many, "this seems to be just generic stuff... you have any ideas where his personal items may be? Photos, diary? I think that's what Scott's after."
"He served in the front lines in Africa. He left here before the war ended, probably took the personal items with him."
The Captain knew Havers had taken a few things to the front lines, but he had a few items that belonged to him in his old desk, but he didn't want to let Alison get a hold of them... not yet...

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