Part twenty-six

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A/N: Warning: There is a spoiler for the show Teen Wolf for season four. It's not that big of a deal but if you don't want to get it ruined for you then just skip the texts between her and Coop. Also this chapter is pretty intense in my opinion so caution for depressive and dark thoughts and acts.


I’m not one for parties.


The planning and whole setup alone annoys me to the very fucking end with all of the people that usually come to set this and to set that when all I want is to be able to sleep without any disturbance.


However, Gene doesn’t throw parties like my mother. I expected this huge extravaganza with huge bouquets of balloons, twinkling lights hung in every corner, food by the pounds set up on these expensive and intimidating silver trays, and just more. I expected a whole fucking festival with even fireworks firing into the sky obnoxiously when the clock strikes midnight. Though, all I saw yesterday were these two lanky, dirty looking men that seem to be in their early twenties walk themselves into the backyard and point at certain corners throughout, Gene whispering things to them as well as nodding.


I couldn’t hear them properly, everything seeming to come out as an unclear mumble, so I kind of just shrugged it off.


We decided to do the whole celebration thing today instead of tomorrow since I wanted to spend my actual birthday with Iz and Coop as planned, so when I discussed it with Gene, she understood in her own way. She has not really spoken one word to me the whole time and I’m unsure if that is because of what I saw a few weeks ago or just because she doesn’t really care about my opinion for my own party.


Then again, I could really give less of a shit about this party so maybe this whole not talking to me thing was an advantage.


Sylvia had asked if we needed her assistance for anything, whether it be for her to cook some snacks or to help bring out tables from the garage, but both Gene and I declined, giving her the two days off so she can relax in her own home and spend some time with her husband.


Gene gave her a soft warm hug, her eyes shut closed and her eyebrows furrowed in an intense manner which rather confused me, but also Gene all-in-all confuses me so I shouldn’t really be surprised.


My parents gave the both of us excited yet nervous goodbyes, my mother’s eyes seeming to gloss from the tears that were beginning to form within them. With both of their suitcases in my father’s hands, they went off, the house left for Gene and I for two and a half days. I noticed how Gene had this plastic smile spread on her face when she kissed our dad’s cheek, it fading in completion once she closed the door. Our shoulders brushed against each other when she passed me, her eyes seeming empty and lost right where the silver begins and I felt stricken again.


I was texting Louis about everything that was going on, his attitude towards my sister seeming bitter.

From: Llama Tomlinson


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