Part twenty-eight

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It's one of those things I don't think anyone could control or alter in anyway, what happened this past week, what is going to happen from here on.

It's all so odd yet exhilarating and important. It's so very important to me and even though everything seems as if it's all a blur all around, as long as I can see what's in front of me clearly, I think I'll be fine.


I'm going to be okay. Definitely.

Thinking back now, I expected something to change a bit between Louis and I, but I didn't think it would change like this.

I don't think he expected it either.

That first day was nice and quaint, the two of us just smiling as we were both sitting beside each other on the couch, watching one of our bad movie marathons as we had done the months before when he was still here. The comic books were resting nicely on the clean coffee table in front of us while the mason jar was still held in my hands, my thumbs rubbing small circles on the glass as it was resting on my lap. I felt as if I were holding a diamond of the sort and I wanted to keep it safe, I wanted to make sure that it was actually real every time I would doubt the reality of things. I also wanted to scoot closer to, Louis and make sure he was actually there too. I wanted to snuggle with him and even though my head was rested on his shoulder and his arm was resting around my shoulder, it didn't feel like it was enough. Damn it, I felt so fucking greedy. I just wanted so much of something when I wasn't even sure of what that something was.

It was a bit frustrating, but when I would hear, Louis laugh and make comments about the shitty set designs and then laugh again before his thumb would rub its own circles but around my shoulder, I felt at ease and would even close my eyes for a few seconds to take it all in.

This wasn't bad either.

The rest of the day was spent with the two of us eating pb & j sandwiches (the chef being me), reading a few comics together, listening to music in silence in front of the unlit fireplace, talking about things that happened to the both of us as we walked practically shoulder to shoulder in the back yard, and just sneaking small touches really.

When he said that he wanted to read the comics with me, I thought he meant that we would both each read a different one while sitting next to each other, then discussing them to one another before switching or something. But no. Louis had other ideas.

He told me to pick one for that moment and after briskly looking at all the comics (Yes I am a judge a book by its cover girl when it comes to this. Sue me.), I decided on the nice blue one that was titled The Mighty Thor Vs. The Mighty Thor. I felt my eyes and smile widen from excitement because I hadn't read that one before. It looked old, maybe from the eighties even, the top left saying it was issue four hundred and fifty-eight and fuck, who wouldn't have wanted to read the one with Thor against his fucking self.

Louis chuckled at my reaction, his smile turned soft with a few strands of his own hair falling over his eyes in that way that makes him look like a sun hiding behind a bundle of clouds and my stomach churned at that.

"Okay then. Let's read this one, Winifred Queen." He stated, his voice sounding surprisingly soft as well and damn, I really just wanted to hug him right there.

But I restrained like the controlled civilized human being that I am and when he grabbed the stack from my lap to place it back on the table, he scooted himself very close to me, our thighs touching.

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