6 - St Mungo's

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With the sun seeping through Kalina's cream coloured shutters, she had stirred awake and rolled onto her side, reading the alarm clock on her nightstand that read in red glowing letters '10:23AM'.

She huffed and rolled onto her back, stretching out her arms, legs and back making her groan in satisfaction before collapsing back down and rested her eyes for another few minutes before finally pulling herself from her bed.

Swinging her legs round, she grunted as she hauled herself up from her pit, using her cane as support before walking into the bathroom and getting herself ready for yet another boring day ahead.

Showered, dried, and dressed in a pair of denim blue jeans and pale yellow shirt blouse, she slipped on some socks and her bunny slippers before carefully heading downstairs.

Walking into the kitchen, she turned on the kettle and leaned against the kitchen table as she waited for it to boil, plaiting her hair to the side messily.

It had been a week and a half since she had last seen or heard from Severus and in all honesty, it was very draining. Each day she would wait impatiently for a letter or an owl or just something to give her an indication that he was ok but she had no word.

So lost in her thoughts, she didn't hear the beeping noises coming from the living room followed by frustrated sighs making her look up to see Neville on the couch in an intense game on his Gameboy.

She smiled and walked over, leaning over the back of the couch and over his shoulder. She did not say anything, not wanting to put him off his game until after he had finished which wasn't very long after she started watching.

"You want some breakfast?" She spoke up, laughing once she saw Neville jump out of his skin from Kalina's sudden words from behind him.

"Don't do that." Neville breathed, shaking out his nerves as he turns to look at Kalina. "But yeah, I'd like some toast please."

"Coming right up." She nuzzled his head playfully, earning an annoyed groan as she hobbled back into the kitchen and grabbing some bread from the bread tin.

"What's on the agenda for you today then, Neville?" She asked once she handed him over two slices of toast, one with butter and one with raspberry jam whilst she had a bowl of cereal and sat on the couch across the room, magically switching the tv on with a wave of her hand.

"Uhm that's what I was hoping to talk to you about." Neville mumbled, his hand hovering over his mouth that was full of food.

"Oh?" Kalina raised her spoon to her mouth, taking a mouthful of Weetabix as she waited for Neville to continue.

Neville was looking rather pale as she watched him rummage around in his brain for the right words to say. But, she waited patiently yet somewhat concerned at his laboured response.

"I... I want to go see my parents."

Kalina swallowed her food and placed her spoon back down in her bowl and set it aside. "You want to go to the Hospital? Today?" She asked, wanting to make sure if it was what he actually wanted to do.

He nodded.

Kalina smiled and stood to her feet, grabbing her bowl, and walked into the kitchen. "That's completely fine Neville, you should never feel anxious to ask me if you want to see your parents. You know I would never stop you doing that." She called back to him but something had nagged away at the back of her mind. Why was he so hesitant? Did he feel like he could not go see them because of her and the fact it was now she who was looking after Neville when it should be Frank and Alice? She did not raise the questions in her mind but noticed that Neville also made no comment back. As she stood by the sink, she looked over her shoulder towards Neville who had carried on eating his toast before getting up and heading up stairs to get dressed out of his pyjamas.

The Sacrifice // Severus Snape X OC (Sequel to Spiteful Beginnings) DISCONTINUEDWhere stories live. Discover now