9 - The Advance Guard

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"Severus please..."

The soft voice came from the whimpering mess that was Kalina. Her face nestled between Severus' neck and shoulder, her hair a tangled mess on top of her head all the while Severus trailed feverish kisses along her exposed skin.

"You're acting as if you don't want this, my love." He sniggered, fingers trailing over her satin covered waist from her nightdress; their bodies covered by her duvet.

"You know I don't like to be teased." She tilted her head to look up at her fiancé who took no hesitation in moving one of his hands up to her chin, clasping it between his finger and thumb before placing a searing hot kiss to her lips.

She let out a small gasp at the sudden action but easily found herself moulding into him. She propped herself up, her hands finding their way to his broad and bare shoulders.

Severus smirked under her lips, his knee coming between her legs before roughly rubbing it against her. Kalina crumbles at that, a breathy moan escaping her lips as his thick knee presses against her bare core.

Chuckling, he gently began to move his knee back and forth, applying more and more pressure as she began to buckle her hips to get more friction than he was giving, heavy pants and moans from her exploding in his mouth.

"Easy there... I don't want you to come yet." He cooed.

Suddenly, they were forced apart when loud shouting erupted through her home. She quickly look to Severus who looked almost as dazed as she was before scurrying out of the bed and wands drawn when someone rushes up the stairs.

Knocking, almost frantically on the bedroom door, neither of them had time to react when it burst open and they are met with an out of breath witch. They were leaning forwards,  catching their breath as the point of their hat twangs against the doorframe.

"M-Minnie?" Kalina gasped when the intruder finally looked up and a wave of relief washed over the both of them.

"Sorry for the interruption but-." Minnie finally looks to them both, her mouth creating a small 'o' shape. "Goodness, have I interrupted something?"

"What?" Kalina then looked down at her quite revealing short night dress, her cleavage almost poking out of the top meanwhile Severus was shirtless and wearing long lounge pants. "No, no, no w-we were just about to head to sleep?"

Minnie stared at Kalina and nodded her head slowly but Minnie also looked around the room inconspicuously to see that candles had been lit and are spread around the room.

"Right well, hope you're not too tired as you're both coming with me. And Neville too if he's awake." By now Severus had sat back on the bed, self consciously pulling the duvet up to his body. Never had someone other than Kalina seen him in such a.... interesting environment.

"How come?" Kalina hobbled towards her wardrobe, and grabbed clothes without a second thought. If Minnie said that Kalina had to be somewhere then would be there in a flash.

"Harry has been attacked." Severus stood at this, eyebrow raised and arms folded over his chest.

"What? By who?" He asked in an instant meanwhile Kalina pulled a hoodie over her head and shimmying out of her nightdress. She was friends with Minnie so wasn't too fussed if she were to show a little skin.

The Sacrifice // Severus Snape X OC (Sequel to Spiteful Beginnings) DISCONTINUEDWhere stories live. Discover now