4 - Meetings in Secret

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The talk between Kalina and Molly had ended when all members had arrived at 12 Grimmauld Place so that they can get down to business. The first topic discussed was of course about the Ministry of Magic and the amount of poppycock that was being sprouted from the papers. Of course, stricken by fear and greed, they have completed dismissed any truth behind Voldemort's return.

"I can not believe what they are saying. Why would Harry lie? Why would they call him a fraud?" The meek voice of Emmeline Vance spoke out rom the far end of the long dining table.

"As someone who works within the Ministry, all I can say is that the Wizards and Witches in that place are strained by power. If news gets out about the darkest Wizard of all time coming back, the Wizarding world would see us as powerless which is exactly what Fudge doesn't want." This time it was Kinglsey who spoke up. Himself and Arthur were probably the more reliable sources within the Order when it comes to smuggling information from the Ministry but unfortunately, they could have had three involved. Kalina came to understand this when Tonks spoke up, rather eagerly about how a certain other Weasley could also be of use which earned a distressed wail coming from Molly who had to slam down a kettle onto the table and turn away to collect her emotions. Tonks sank back down into her chair.

Percy Weasley, the third eldest of the children in the family had been working for the Ministry for a while now but even after everything that had happened, he had decided to go against his family and show his loyalty to the Ministry instead. It was he who became a Junior Assistant to Fudge but Arthur had believed that it was simply so the Ministry could keep eyes on Arthur. Disgusted, Percy had disowned his family that night when he told them the news of his new rank only for them to shut him down. Turns out they hadn't spoken to Percy for a while despite him now living in London and understandably, Molly was still distraught.

"Anyway..." Remus breathed out, not wanting everyone to focus on Molly in the corner of the kitchen crying as he believed that it would just be more humiliating for her and therefore distracted their attention. "Our current goal is to try and show Fudge that Voldemort is back in the safest way. Saying this however isn't going to be easy." He rubbed the light stubble against his chin as he thought.

"We can not alert too much attention either. He is out there slowly getting more followers back and if they find out what we're planning on getting the Ministry on our side, it could be disastrous." The words came from Arthur this time who just finished consoling a teary eyed Mrs Weasley.

"Gee, if only we had someone who was buddies with some Death Eaters." Sneered Sirius from across the table from Kalina causing her to give him a sour glare.

"Severus isn't 'buddies' with them. He is acting upon Dumbledore's orders to spy on them yet being believable about his status with them." Kalina said calmly although she could feel her temper bubbling inside her like a brewing cauldron.

Sirius said nothing for a moment until after Remus had spoken up once more on how they should act but Kalina swore she had heard Sirius under his breath go 'could have fooled me'.

"You need to wind that neck of yours in, pal." Kalina pat and pointed accusingly at Sirius, the room falling silent as her fury became unleashed. "He's out doing something productive whilst you are doing what exactly?" She left the question open for debate but as expected, Sirius chose not to give an answer.

"How can you, how can we possibly trust a man who is so easy to switch sides?" Sirius said in an uproar but now it was Kalina to retaliate with just as much vigour.

"That's ironic seeing as didn't your best friend," she started looking to Sirius and now to Remus, "switch sides also? Completely betraying the trust of Lily and James Potter which led to their untimely death?"

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