7 - Paris

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One hazy morning, Severus stirred awake by the soft snores coming from the individual beside him. Golden rays of light seeped through the cracks of the covered window, covering the bed as if the dark floral sheets had been painted gold in the night. He rubbed his eyes and looked to his side, a bare back staring back at him whilst their hair was tied up in what used to be a bun but had come loosely undone in the night.

He smiled fondly, finding it a blessing that for the last few days, he had fallen asleep beside Kalina and had also woke up beside her. She often woke first but these few days have been different.

The last few days had taken its toll on Kalina to which she evidently showed one night.

She had been walking up the stairs without the use of her cane and depended on the banister railing but her foot had somehow come undone beneath her and she fell pretty hard. She was grateful however that Neville wasn't at home so it was just her and Severus but when he came darting from the kitchen to help her, she was already in floods of tears. She told him that she felt 'weak' and 'pathetic' which to Severus was most peculiar considering everything she had conquered. His heart had dropped as her cries became erratic and her breathing unsteady as she slammed her fists against the dry wall so he had coaxed her into his arms and held her on the stairs until she passed out from pure exhaustion.

It was a build up really. Severus had learned what had happened about Neville and Kalina when they went to St Mungos and ever since, her mood had altered. He knew that seeing the work Barty and other followers had bestowed upon her friends would've affected her but he wasn't prepared for the light in her eyes and colour in her face to drain every day. In that moment, he felt that he wasn't good enough for her. He had never truly comforted anyone before until he met Kalina and didn't expect it to be so challenging but it was. He knew what he was getting himself into when he had stupidly (but non regrettably) fallen in love with her years ago now and considering his past and now present self with the Dark Lords return, times were tough for the pair of them.

What struck a chord with him however was how she never gave an inclination that she didn't want this life anyone. This life of secrecy of the Order, of his double-agent ways and going back go Hogwarts soon was bound to test their relationship but deep down, he was dreading further events ahead if they were to unfold. If the Death Eaters learn about his and Kalina's relationship... then what? She was muggle born and since it was known to them that because of her and Harry Potter, Barty was back in Azkaban... she was at a great risk. He knew this and deep down he knew Kalina knew it too but never voiced it.

Severus didn't realise the tear that slipped from his black eyes until it dipped onto the side of his chest and so he rolled over and gently cuddled into the back of her and peppered kisses along her shoulder, careful not to wake her.

A few minutes later, Kalina groggily awoke and hummed in amusement when she felt Severus cradle into her back. She didn't roll over to face him, instead she laid awake and dragged her finger nails along the bare skin of his arm that hung over her waist gently.

She looked down at her hands and at the ring on her finger, twisting it between her finger tips fondly until an idea had sprung to her mind. Looking at the clock on her table, she decided to pry herself away from Severus and carefully flung her legs over her bed and stood, grasping onto her cane as she did.

She turned back to look at Severus who had moved, situating himself against the annoyingly squeaky headboard (Kalina took note she would buy a new bed frame soon as hers had become... well used) and placed his arms behind the back of his head and looked over at her. He was indeed shirtless and therefore the veins in his biceps were etching against his skin and a small smile graced his face. "How'd you sleep?"

The Sacrifice // Severus Snape X OC (Sequel to Spiteful Beginnings) DISCONTINUEDWhere stories live. Discover now