Chapter 4

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"Wohooo,Dave,this chillidog is DELICIOUS"
Knuckles looked really happy,he seemed like that lunch at MehBurger made his day better.
Well this made Sonic happy too.
He finally cleared his mind and decided to make himself feel comfortable with one of his best friends.The weather was nice and everything seemed perfect.And for the first time in weeks,Dave served them without complaining or trying to make them go away.Sonic just couldn't understand his behaviour with his customers,it always feels like he just doesn't want money or something like that.But yeah,his food was amazing,everyone knows that.

"Sonic,am I the only one who feels like this day is going to be cooler than the rest of them?"
"Same,Knucks.Wanna go running around the island or something?Ya' know,as the usual."
"Okay,little guy.Just lemme finish this delicious thing"
Knuckles was literally eating with his month open.
"Knuckles,your disgusting."
Sonic started laughing,while the red echidna was so confused.
"Yes,he really is.I told him to stop eating like that,but who in the world listens to me?"

"Oh shit.
She's here."

Amy showed out.Maybe she just wanted to eat something.
Sonic lowered his ears and stood up.

"Knucks,we really have to go now.We-"
"Where are ya' going?I really want to go somewhere with anyone,I just don't know what else to do."
"We're going to run and play some volleyball,I guess"said Knuckles.
"Cool!Can I come with you,guys?"
Sonic looked at her for a second.She seemed exited.
"Yeah,you can."
Sonic smiled.He can't avoid her forever,he guessed.



Knuckles,Sonic and Amy went to play some volleyball,Knuckles and Amy as a team,against Sonic.He said he can play alone,and he was completely right.The score was 7-5 for Sonic.Of course he was using his speed,that was obvious.That wasn't completely fair,but she didn't complain about that.Knuckles said he needed to stop for a little bit and took a break at some ice cream place.

"Good afternoon!What flavour would you like,miss?"
"I would like...The strawberry one."
Amy smiled.She looked at Sonic who was trying to decide at one flavour.
"You look funny."
Amy looked at him while giggling.He didn't response,he just smiled for two seconds and immediately looked in a completely different direction.


Amy was confused.Sonic was acting really strange around her.Knuckles left while Sonic walked Amy home.That walk was so silent.Sonic didn't even bother to look at her,he seemed like he couldn't wait for the short walk to end.
Amy finally broke the ice.
"So,today was really cool,am I right?"

"That's all he has to say?"
Amy thought.
"I have to ask him"

"Ok,so what's wrong with you?"
"What are you talking about?"
They finally made eye contact.He didn't seem to look ok with that question.
"You know exactly what I'm talking about.Why are you ignoring me?You are acting weird.I'm starting to worry."
Sonic looked in her eyes.She really was worried.A few moments flew by and Sonic finally responded.
"I'm not acting weird."
"Yes,you are!You never talk to me.I don't understand.Did I do something wrong?"
"No,you didn't.It's just..."
"It's what?Tell me,Sonic.Ya' know you can trust me."
"I...I can't.It's ok Amy,I just don't wanna talk about this anymore."
He turned back.
"We will talk later."

He ran away.He just left like that conversation was nothing.When she finally decided to ask him what's going on,he left like it doesn't matter at all.She sighed.Why he gotta be like that?
It's the first time after years when he runs away from her.That hurt a bit.
Well,at least she has two options:
He is going through something or he's shy.
Hopefully it's one of these.
But what If he REALLY likes her?
"Nah,it can't be that even possible?"

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