Chapter 8

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Amy woke up early that day.She was so exited to meet Sonic,that day needed to be the best!She took a shower and curled her pink quills.She even went shopping and bought a cute yellow dress,with a nice roses design.The pink hedgehog looked completely beautiful.


She waited for Sonic to come and pick her up,but he didn't show up at all.She started to get annoyed and decided to call him.She didn't get to open her communicator,as Sonic finally showed up.The look of his face meant a lot of things in the same time.
"Hi."Amy looked down.Maybe she went too far with her look.Sonic was wearing his usual scarf and sport bandages.The beautiful hedgehog was embarrassed.
"Hi,Ames!You look wonderful."
Amy looked up at him.
"Are you being honest?Thank you,that means a lot."
Her innocent face lighted up as she started smiling.
Sonic sighed.
"So,where should we go first?"
"At the beach.It sounds fun,am I right?"
"Yeah,it does.."

Sonic looked worried.Like really worried.Amy was wondering what was bothering him that much,but didn't say a word.
They walked by the turbulent water, which seemed uneasy. The sun stretched its bright rays over the two shy hedgehogs.Amy smiled as Sonic looked at the sky.
"Ames?"Sonic finally broke the silence.
"We need to talk,as soon as possible.I don't really have time right now."
Amy stared and quickly responded.
"What are you talking about?You told me your free today."
Sonic sighed.
"Look at me."
They stopped.
"Amy,I have to go now.I hope you liked this walk."
"B-but...What about our date?"
"Date?What makes you think this is a date?"said Sonic and smiled.
"Silly,we were hanging out,I wanted to spend some time with one of my best friends."

"Best friends.."Amy thought.Was it some kind of joke?Nah,he looked serious.He meant it.

"So you're leaving me here?"
Sonic nodded.He seemed to be sorry for ending everything like that.The blue hedgehog closed his eyes for some seconds as Amy stared in shock.She was devastated.All of her dreams flew away along with her heart.Her eyes were teary and she quickly bit her lip.
She didn't got to say anything as Sticks and Knuckles showed up and started screaming.

Knuckles was scared and for the first time,he looked like he really cares.
"Did you call him?"
"YES,THOUSANDS OF TIMES!HE LITERALLY DISAPPEARED!"said Sticks moving her hands in the air.
Amy sighed.
"When was the last time you saw him?
Sticks stopped and waited for some moments.
"I didn't seen him since yesterday,when we got lunch at MehBurger.Do you remember?"
Amy nodded.She looked back at Sonic who looked scared.
"I just realized that last night I didn't saw him at his place."
Knuckles looked confused.
"Wait,what were we looking for again?"
"TAILS!"everyone screamed.
"Ah,yes,that was the guy."
"We have to find him!"
"I wonder if he's with Eggman..Did you guys search for him in there?"said Sonic.
"Yes,but Egghead didn't seem to be home.He left a message on his door,look!"said Sticks and gave him a note.

Blue clown or anyone who's trying to come in my awesome lair,

Go away,I'm on a vacation.I needed it anyway,after so many plans and robots I made to destroy that freak.Don't even dare to call me,I'm busy.And if you're the courier,leave the package where you want,I'll find it anyway.By the way,don't take the note with you.
                                                                                                                                        Doctor Eggman

"Oops,I took the note."Knuckles said after Sticks finished reading it.
"That's not the problem."said Sonic trying to think about a plan.
"Sticks,you go with Amy in Eggman's lair,Knuckles you go outside the village.I'll go somewhere else."
Everyone nodded and ran where Sonic told them to go,except for Amy.

"Where are you going?"she asked Sonic who was still there,waiting for the rest to go.
Sonic sighed.
"I'll look for him in the village and ask people if anyone saw him."
Amy nodded and turned back.She was about to go but suddenly stopped.
"Stay safe,Sonic."
"I will.I promise."

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