Chapter 16

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Everyone left Amy's house and went finding what they should wear for tomorrow night.Sonic talked to the owners of the ball castle,everything was okay.He decided to wear something casual,but NO PANTS.

Of course he needed to go shopping.He hates doing this kind of things.He always got bored of searching for good outfits,that's why he prefers to wear only what he feels comfortable with,not more.And pants...Pants..THEY ARE A NIGHTMARE.


"So,I'm going to a ball..The one where you should dance with the laadies.
What should I buy?"
Sonic was standing in front of a closet full of clothes from a store.There were so many things here..

"Hello,mister!May I help you?"
A lady showed up.Maybe she saw him stare at some clothes for 10 minutes straight and decided to ask him what's wrong XD

"Well,yes!I really need some help.Do you have any casual clothes?I don't know,I'm not an expert,but I heard my..."

Sonic stopped.What is Amy for him?XD

"My ALMOST GIRLFRIEND talking about that."

The lady stared at him,pretty confused.She smiled a little bit and went looking for some clothes.
"Here!These are some casual clothes,as you asked."
Sonic started searching through all those clothes and found a dark red jacket and a black scarf.

"Okay,these are the ones."
Sonic was satisfied.He really liked those clothes,they where exactly his type.

"Do you need these for a special occasion?We have more accessories at a really convenable price."
The lady smiled and showed him a lot of hats and cool shoes.
"Well,I think I'll look cool with these!"
"Of course,these would suit you really well!"

After Sonic tried everything on,the lady showed up again.
"How are these?"
"They are pretty good!I can't believe I actually like this kind of clothes."
"I'm happy.But,one question.What about pants?Do you need some?"
"NO NO NO NO.Its completely fine!Besides,I think this outfit is already completed without those pants,hehe.."
"Your wish is my command!"
Sonic smiled and went paying for those clothes and accessories.


Oh man...clothes.

Amy was on her way to the Mall.Rouge told her to look for dresses,because those suit her very well.Before she got to cross the street,someone stopped her.
Amy sighed.
Not Shadow again...He is literally annoying.
Shadow smiled and hold her hand.
"So,where are you going?"
"I am going to the Mall."
"I have to-"
Amy couldn't end the conversation cuz Zoey,a beautiful fox that lives in the village showed up,looking really exited.
"HI AMY!I can't believe this!Knuckles is making a bal for his birthday party?THIS IS AN AMAZING IDEA!He invited me too!Are you coming,Amy?"

Oh God.This is a disaster,now Shadow knows about the party.

Amy sighed.Zoey just destroyed everything,but it wasn't her fault.She didn't even know about their plan.What is she going to do now?

"Umm,Zoey,I have to go now.Call me later,ok?"
"Oh pleeease,I need to know if you're coming!I have to ask my mom if I can come too!Just respond to this question and I'm letting you go."

Amy was visible scared to respond.She looked in other directions,trying desperately to find Sonic,but of course,he wasn't there.He is everywhere anytime,but never when she needs him.
She sighed and looked back at Zoey.She can't just lie..

"I am coming...Now I have to go,I really do."
"Okay!"said Zoey and ran away.She was so happy,but Amy...We can't say the same for her.

"So...What was she talking about?"said Shadow,curious.
"It's nothing,trust me.I really need to go,Shadow."
"Ames,please tell me.Do you mind if I come too?I would love to spend time with you."

Ames..No,this doesn't feel right.There is only one person who calls me Ames..

"Shadow,I said I need to go.Listen to me,please."
"Please,don't call me Ames."Amy stopped and she snatched her hand from his hands.
"What is wrong with that?"
"Only Sonic calls me that..Let's don't ruin it."
"That faker?Seriously,Amy?After all the times when he literally played with your feelings,you still don't want to move on?Come on,you know I can treat you better."

Amy sighed and looked down.She wanted to go more than anything.
"I have to go NOW."
"Fine,you will see I'm right."
Shadow was angry.He let Amy go and ran in a different place.

Amy sighed again.What was Shadow trying to do?To make her get over Sonic and love him?She didn't even know what she wanted.After all Sonic did to her,he randomly confessed but didn't apologize to her,and now Shadow is acting like the handsome prince from Barbie stories,even if he never liked her until now.

What are these guys trying to do?Kill me inside?I'm sick of everyone.

She started walking to the Mall,but a sudden feeling of realization broke her in a million pieces.

Shadow will surely come to the party.Maybe the guards will not let him come in,but he will keep his eyes on us.And now..Am I going to tell anyone about this?

She closed her eyes for a second,but again,she felt someone standing right in front of her.

"Hello my dear!How are you?Anyways,I got a lot of great news!"
Rouge was standing in front of her smiling.Amy relaxed,knowing she could trust her.

"Hi.Can you tell me later?I need to go buy some clothes for-"
"Oh my pinky,I already solved this problem.I bought you the best dress EVER."
"W-WHAT?Rouge,what about money,I.."
"Oh sweetie,money should be your last worry.Now we have to make ourselves pretty,baby!"
Amy sighed.
I guess I need to do what she wants me to,am I right?

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