Chapter 20

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Amy ran out of the building crying,feeling guilty about everything.She didn't stopped until she found a tree,where she fell down,underneath it.That tree still had pink flowers in it.
She was crouched under the tree full of flowers,crying with her head on her knees.
What was she going to do now?Maybe Sonic will understand her,but not now.He was angry.

She was sobbing underneath the branches that seemed to protect her from the darkness of the night.Minutes flew by.She didn't wanted to see anyone and anything.

"Rose..Why are you crying?"

Amy didn't bother to move her head.She knew who was standing in front of her.The person who destroyed her life.

"Go."she simply said,but this time,starting shaking.

"Are you okay?"


"Listen to me,please."



She stopped and looked at Shadow.Her makeup was ruined,the mascara ran down on her cheeks.

"Finally."Shadow whispered annoyed,but then he immediately changed the look in his eyes.
"I have a question for you."

Amy looked so disinterested,she rolled her eyes and stopped sobbing.

"I can show you where Tails is right now,but only with a condition."

Amy suddenly stopped and her eyes started sparkling.

"The condition is that,you have to dump Sonic and come with me."

Amy looked down.

"Why would I come with you?"

"This is the deal.If you give yourself,I'll give you Tails back."

Amy sighed and let a tear run of her cheek.

"Am I going to come back?"

Shadow didn't say anything.He just stared at her and smiled a little bit.

"Think about Tails.Right now,he is suffering.If you come with me,he will come back home.If you don't,your Sonic will continue suffer for Tails."

Amy didn't say anything.She looked up at the sky and closed her eyes.



Sonic started looking for Amy,because Rouge begged him to.He was so angry,but he felt guilty in the same time.He hates seeing her cry,but he couldn't control himself.He looked for her everywhere,but she wasn't here.

It's been 3 hours since the fight,he started to worry.Who knows what she did because of guilt.

He sighed and started moving faster.Suddenly,his communicator started ringing.

he heard Sticks screaming in her phone.

He didn't wait one second more,as he ran to the place.
A group of people was outside,screaming and talking so loud.

"LOOK,SONIC IS BACK!"Silver screamed and pointed at him.

Everyone looked at him.

"What's going on?"

Everyone smiled and walked back and showed Sonic what he was looking for.
Tails was standing right in front of him,looking really weak.He smiled a little bit.
Sonic stopped and stared.He couldn't believe it.

"Tails?"he said,calmer that anyone thought he would react.He was calmer than HE though he would react.

He ran at Tails and hugged him,but not too tight.He was weak.

Tails looked at Sonic and whispered.
"Sonic,the story didn't end yet."
Sonic looked curious.
"What are you talking about,buddy?"
"Shadow took Amy."

Sonic stopped and stood up in a flash.

"Maybe where I stayed.He has a plan,don't fall for it.Don't get angry and don't act choppy."

Sonic sighed.How can he be calm about it?After all Shadow did,he should pay.He will make Shadow pay.He didn't care about what would happen to him,he will make Shadow suffer.

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