Chapter 6

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Amy was sitting on her couch,watching a new movie.It seemed pretty good.She lay down and yawned.The pink hedgehog was really tired,because she just came back from a short seminar.
When she was about to fall asleep,a knocking at the door got her attention.

"Come in!"

The door opened and a blue hedgehog with a lighted face stuck his head in the door and looked in.

"Heyyy Ames!!
What are ya' dooooing?"

"I'm watching a movie."she said,giggling.
"What happened,silly?You are so happy..."

"I'm pretty good.Just came to see ya'."
"Can I sit here?"

"Of course!"

Sonic sited down.He looked very exited,completely different from the last time they met.He sighed and looked in Amy's eyes.

"So,Ames.Do you have anything planned for tomorrow?"

Amy looked at him.His emerald eyes were fixed on her.He looked like what is happening right now is going to make him the happiest hedgehog alive.She smiled and blushed a little.

"Well I'm free tomorrow."
"Amazing!I mean...If you're actually free..I am free too..S-so if you want to..I mean IF YOU WANT THAT,I'm not forcing you into anything,we can go somewhere,or walk around the beach..Like,it's been a lot since we went somewhere without Sticks and the guys.What do you think?"

Amy stared at him.He was inviting her to a DATE.It wasn't her imagination this time,it was happening.Sonic the hedgehog CAME OVER her house,sited NEXT to her and literally INVTED her to a date.
"Y-yes!Of course I want to!"
Sonic hugged her tight and stayed like this for a while.When he finally let her go,she looked confused.

"What's wrong?"asked Sonic running his hand through her quills,and for the first time,without hiding his blushing cheeks.

"I don't understand you."
Amy stopped.
"You were ignoring me and now you want to spend time with me."

"I..You can't,I'm..."
Sonic inhaled and stared at her.
"I can't actually understand myself either.You know,I sometimes feel like I should do something and then everything changes and I'm confused.I'm so sorry.I just-"
"Shh,it's ok."Amy whispered.
"I forgive you."

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