Episode Three (pt 2/2)

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I am ( finally) back! A little earlier than promised :D hope you guys enjoy this chapter and, I want to give you all my thanks!
Ty so much for 328 reads and 26 votes!
I didn't even think people would read this, so thank you guys!
On with the story!

- Nezuko POV -
I didn't notice the demons arm coming, until it grabbed me by the shoulder....


I heard a crack and felt a searing pain in my shoulder, as the demons hand clamped down on me.
I cried out in pain trying to escape the demons grasp as it's arm pulled me closer towards it.
I looked over desperately at Inosuke but, he was passed out!? I felt my heart beat faster, my head starting to pound.
I grasped my sword in my other hand, hopelessly trying to cut off the arm holding me.
I flailed around in its grasp, still not giving up.
"Before I devour you.." The demon said, pulling me a few feet away from its face.
"What era is it now brat?"  The demon demanded.
"It-It's the Taisho Period.." I said, freeing myself a little from its grasp.
All of a sudden the demon dropped me, screaming.
The demon suddenly dropped me, and I stood up unsheathing my sword, my hands shaking.
The demon kept shouting, and waving some of it's arms around.
I quickly started to steady my breathing, I was determined to defeat this demon.
The demon quickly changed tones, as it once again looked at me.
"Do you wanna know what's funny? Your 'master' trapped me here 50 years ago!"
"What's the hell's that got to do with anything!" I yelled.
"Well anytime I've seen a pupil of his, I've killed them!!"
I started to lose focus running towards it, just wanting to shut it up.
"It's almost like he's sending them to their deaths! Oh! I wish I could see how he feels after his pupils don't return!"
Sending them to their deaths? Urokodaki never wanted me to come here, the demon was just making me lose focus.
I didn't waver, and I used the demon's words to fuel me.
I jumped towards it, my sword raised above my head.
I focused on my breathing, remembering my fight against Giyuu.
The next thing I saw was the opening thread connected to it's neck, under a bunch of it's arms.
I locked my eyes on to the thread and swung, a rush of cold air filling my lungs.
Using the thread as a guide my sword cut through its neck and I landed on the ground, (not so gracefully) near it's head.
My defeat of the demon happened so fast, I almost didn't believe it had happened.
I turned towards where it would still be, just to be sure.
I saw the demons head as it dissolved, it's eyes were wide and looking around frantically.
I didn't move, I just looked at it. Not really that sure about how I should feel.
Someone groaning caught my attention, and I turned around to see Inosuke waking up. "Thanks for the help." I mumbled as he opened his eyes.
"I-I'm so sorry! You could've died!" He started to cry, holding his head in his hands.
I walked towards him, sitting down beside him.
"Its alright Inosuke, we've both had a long night.."
We we're both scared half to death, hearing a crow shouting above us.
"Remaining candidates come to the top of the mountain! Kaw!"
"Didn't even notice it's been seven days, feels like it's been just a couple." Inosuke said glumly as he stood up, holding out his hand to help me up.
"Thanks.." I said as he helped me walk up the remaining path that was ahead of us.
When we arrived at the top I looked around confused, why were there only three other people here?
We're some people late? Was Inosuke telling the truth earlier?
A million questions swirled through my mind, no answers for any of them.
I was jolted back to reality, hearing someone yelling.
"Hey! I asked when we get our swords! Ya hear me!?" A boy with a long hair yelled at a girl, holding her head with his hand. Why the heck would he get so bent out of shape about a sword?
"Inosuke it's your turn to help somebody." I said nudging him with my remaining shoulder, recalling my fight with the mutated demon.
"I do owe you big time after that." He said walking up to the boy, who was still yelling his grip on the girls head growing tighter.
"Hey! Leave her alone or I'll break your wrist!" Inosuke yelled grabbing the boys wrist, by the hand that was holding the girl.
-Inosuke POV-
I grabbed the guys wrist, but he didn't let go.
"I'd like to see you try, pretty boy" he said mockingly, a smirk on his face. 
Without warning I increased the strength of my grip, staring at him the entire time.
I heard a few cracking noises, and he pulled his arm away backing up as he did so.
"Ow! What the hell dude!"
"I told you I was going to do it." 
"Tch, whatever leave me alone!" He said, as he walked away from me.
I was glad the guy finally left her alone because, I didn't have another plan in mind for if he had just stayed.
I'm strong enough to slay demons but when it comes to social situations, I'm a total wreck.
The girls from earlier explained the demon slayer ranks, and gave us these crows?
I don't really like them, since mine kept attacking me.
The final thing we had to do, was pick the alloy our swords would be forged with.
The alloys were layed on a table in front of us, nobody had any clue on which one to pick we all just stood there.
Surprisingly I stepped up first, selecting one at random.
-Timeskip On The Way Home Nezukos POV-
Me and Inosuke promised to meet up again, as we went our separate ways home.
I could barely walk and was just shuffling along the paths, falling down several times and just laying there for a few minutes.
After a few more hours of that, I could finally see Urokodakis shack I saw Tanjiro standing outside.
"Tanjiro!! Your awake!" I yelled as I tried to run towards him.
"Nezuko your alive!"
I fell down on my way over, but Tanjiro caught me in a hug.
"I'm glad you're safe Nezuko.."
"Thank you.."
Urokodaki came up from behind Tanjiro, hugging both of us.
"Thank you for coming back to us Nezuko.." I was going to say something, but I could see tears run down the side of his mask.
We stayed like that for a while, not saying anything just processing everything that happened.
To be continued...
Thanks to @Nezuko123Kamado123 for the follow!
See you next chapter!

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