Finally- Episode 4 (1/2)

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Alright sorry for not updating the actual story for a while, but all of my tests are done so that means more chapters instead of A/ns :) .
( How did that get there- 😳)

-Nezuko POV- The morning after final selection, things were

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-Nezuko POV-
The morning after final selection, things were.....different.
Way different.
I woke up to see Urokodaki talking to a man with a strange mask on. He was holding a sword, and gave it to him.
Getting up, I shuffled towards them rubbing my eyes to see a bit more clearly.
"Is this Nezuko?" He asked.
"Yes your looking right at her."
"Eh?" He said tilting his head in, disappointment?
"What's your problem!" I shouted, trying to hit him.
"My problem! Your trying to hit me! Brat!"
"I swear I'll k-mmmphh!" Urokodaki put his hand over my mouth, silencing me.
"Calm down, both of you."
"Yes sir.."
"Mmmm! Mm!"
"Now, let's see how her sword turns out."
"My what? I don't have a sword."
"The sword he brought with him is yours now Nezuko."
The man put the sword on the groundwater we all sat around it, I was told to unsheath it.
I grabbed the hilt slowly pulling it out, seeing its blade shine a bit in the sun.
Once the blade was fully exposed, it started to change colours?
"I can't wait to see this one! I hope it's a blue or read this time!" The man said excitedly, watching the blade closely.
But then something odd, maybe even strange happened.
The blade turned a deep shade of black, it seemed a little heavier for some reason I couldn't really place it.
"Eeeeh!?" Black!?" The man yelled, sounding really mad.
"Huh?! Is that bad or something!?" I panicked.
The man sort of got me into a headlock almost suffocating me, when he backed away all of a sudden.
The forehead area of his mask was cracked, a little blood seeping through it.
I was confused I hadn't hit him, or had I?
My question was answered when I looked beside me, to see and angry Tanjiro his forehead having a bruise.
(Which was quickly healing.)
"Ow! oW! I'm not sticking around with that here!!" The man shouted clutching his head, as he ran out of the shack.
"Tanjiro" Urokodaki said sternly
"What did I say about hurting people.?"
"I-I I'm sorry he was hurting her, so I got angry.."
"It won't happen again I promise!"
And with that, Tanjiro sat down in the corner making sure to stay out of the sun.
"Thank you for helping me out." I said, sitting down beside him.
"No problem." He said, looking at the closed windows with sadness in his eyes.
I felt awful, since I was able to go outside during the day. And that he was stuck inside, due to him being a demon.
It just wasn't fair, so much was taken from both him and me in a single night.
Whatever demon that did this was going to pay, I didn't care what it could do. All I knew is that I was going to kill it with Tanjiro, and help him regain his humanity.
I must have spaced out, but the next thing I knew my demon slayer uniform arrived.

-Timeskip brought to you by Muzan Jackson-
Urokodaki helped me adjust my sword on my uniform, I could feel his hand shake as he did it.
"I'm very proud of you Nezuko, you will be a great demon slayer in no time."
"Thank you very much, it means a lot coming from you!"
"I'm glad to hear that, but I must warn you of something."
He calmed himself.
"There are demons that depending on how many humans they eat, can use special abilities. Almost like magic, so you must be prepared to fight demons with such abilities."
I shivered, thinking about even seeing a demon like that.

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