Ryoshima Coast

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As I journey off to Ryoshima Coast

I run so fast my feed fade like a ghost.

I run so fast that in a day

I have gone all the way.

At the beauty I look around,

And then I hear a peaceful sound,

People walking – people talking

All over the ground

When suddenly I find

A fun way to pass the time;

A barrel of sake

Is right on the rocky

Mound under the Sakura.

I think of once again,

All my long lost kin,

We fell from the heavens


Years way back in the past;

So in a great rush

With my powerful brush

A spell is what I do cast.

Quickly – swiftly – I run to

To the point where the land ends,

I Paint a circle on the water

And form lily pad, then send,

My great companion Issun

To investigate and fend

Then I will trek out into

Explore and slowly mend.

When suddenly

In front of me

Leaps out a great blue whale

And says “Hi, I’m Orca

I’m here for ya,

Will you sale with me

Out into the wild blue yonder

To explore the mighty sea?”

Ammy barked and leaped so far

And landed on his back,

Saying “Let us go,

Orca high-ho


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