As you know I've been feeling depressed. Not like overly depressed but I am. I hate this semester. I have finally realized to give up on the guy I've liked. I have 1 real friend. I lost my best friend. I'm in the middle of losing one of my really good friends... my family doesn't help either. I just don't want to do anything. I want just at least a month of peace, sleep, and doing absolutely nothing but dancing. And the more I'm looking into the future and planning out which direction I want to go. I just want to get out of here. I want to go away and meet new people and do things I love. I don't even really know what I'm saying but what I know and I think the reasoning I'm writing this is because I can feel myself losing people, slowly but surely they seem to be drifting away. Maybe it wasn't something I had done or maybe it was but it's frustrating and that's why I feel depressed. Adults say they want to be young again but I don't understand why, sure you got to pay your bills, and your taxes and whatever the heck you pay for these days. But you're free to do what you want, and I think that's what I'm looking forward too. Lately I've been angry at the world and I don't even care.
What I think.
RandomHey welcome to my journal. So unfortunately I can't tell you my name or anyone else's name cause then it will ruin the whole point of this journal. I'm writing to you because I need someone to talk to and let everything out. I hope you enjoy this ca...