• 𝐄𝐩𝐢𝐥𝐨𝐠𝐮𝐞

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A year later...

David's POV

Amid the trails of hedgerows and green wards of reedy grasses, I walked over the wet scant soil, carrying along with me, my little boy who looked relatively uncomfortable as it was his first time visiting a graveyard.

At some point, when he didn't stop being squeamish and gasping whenever the wind blew past us, I stopped and crouched down in front of him. "Hey," I cupped his cheeks. "We're only going to be here for a short while okay? We're just going to pay our respects to mummy and then head back home." I assured. "Is that okay with you?"

He bit his lip and looked around before nodding slowly. "Okay, Daddy, let's say hi to mummy."

I smiled, ruffling his hair as I got up. "That's a good boy."

Grinning, he laced his hand in mine again and we walked hand in hand through the rocky path until we reached a bright bronze-colored tombstone, and the moment I saw her name spelled out on her headstone, my heart smashed against the walls of my chest. Guilt gripped me and I wanted to turn back and leave but this was something I had to do. I couldn't run forever. She'd left a part of her with me that would always remind me of her. It was only right to do this so I heaved out a breath and slowly lowered to the ground.

Alex did the same. He knelt next to me, and for a brief moment, we both stayed there in silence, listening to the surreal echoes of the passing wind that whistled through the autumn trees.

"I-" I started but paused and took in a huge whiff of the misty air before pulling out the bouquet of creamy pink magnolia flowers I'd saved for today. "You always loved it when I got you Magnolia. I couldn't get the purple ones but this should match perfectly." I laid them gently by the base of her headstone and blew off the dry leaves.

"You must hate me right now..." I released a nervous laugh. " I kind of deserve it too. It's been a year and I still couldn't muster the courage to see you. I guess I just didn't want to believe you were gone and it was my fault."

I reached into my pocket and retrieved my lighter.

"I was always used to running away from my problems. When your Dad is filthy rich, it's pretty easy to pick up new plane tickets and disappear but when you're far too deep into the game you realize that there are limits to how far one can run and at some point, we all have to face our demons... so here's me facing mine."

I lit the other end of the red ancestral candles and said a minute's worth of prayer with my head bowed before kneeling back up and staring at the red burning flames.

"There are a lot of things I'd like to say to you but you never really liked it when I talked too much so I'll start by saying It hurts me every time I think about what we could've been. If I could turn back the clock to that very moment, I'd make different choices. I'd make things happen a lot more different from how they did."

I turned to Alex. He smiled at me and I returned the gesture.

"But when you think about it, that one little mistake led to something beautiful. Because of you, I was able to achieve the dream of becoming a father. You gave me a son, a handsome Champ." I ruffled his hair one more time and he giggled. "Because of you, I felt love, I have love. After you, I didn't think I could open my heart again. I'd spent so much time thinking to myself that I would never fall in love again but it happened. I fell for her, and I know you would've wanted this. You would have wanted me to be happy, to love and be loved. Because of you, I have that. I have a family, a wonderful wife, two lovely kids, and I have a home."

I touched her name etched on the headstone.

"The little time I spent with you was one of the best I'll ever experience in my life, and I may no longer see you or touch you again but I feel you in my heart." I breathed in deep. "I love you Stacey Albucho. Porsiempre y parasiempre, thank you for always cleaning up after my mess. You are loved and certainly missed."

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