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Dawn's Pov

The house had a pungent smell of garlic and roasted chicken when I stepped in.

"David?" I called softly as I tossed my bag on the couch and padded barefoot to the kitchen to meet a sight that made me stand still.

It wasn't every day I came home to the visual image of my husband hurrying around the kitchen in panic and confusion as he opened up the windows and arched doors for the black smoke clouding the kitchen atmosphere to air out.

Did I mention he did all this in nothing but his red shorts and that blue flower-patterned apron hanging over his bare chest?

His whole face lit up when they met mine. "Shit, Dawn, you're home, I wasn't expecting you until later."

The choking smoke wracked a cough out of me. "Yeah I know but my appointment ended early," I told him, carefully walking into the kitchen to access the damage done.

The open oven that looked like it had caught on fire was a wreck but that was nothing compared to the black whole chicken still sitting inside it. "What happened in here?"

"I can explain." He said, walking around the island to stand in front of me and I should've probably told him that he had a charcoal stain on his left cheek but he looked cute that way.

"I got off work early and thought It would be nice to surprise my beautiful wife with dinner but I think I followed the instructions wrongly and over-baked the chicken because it didn't come out right."

"David..." I wasn't sure if to scold him or applaud him. "You didn't have to."

"I know, I know," his shoulders slumped as he sighed. "I wanted to do something for you since you always come home from work tired and then head to the kitchen to make us a meal and anytime I offer to get a maid you refuse."

In my defense, I had read enough novels to know that maids always got the sexy hot owner which in this case was my husband. I lifted my hand to wipe his cheek with a smile on my face. "It's fine, don't worry too much about me."

He grabbed my hip and pulled me into him. "I'm sorry for ruining the kitchen." He nuzzled into my neck and blew out an exasperated breath. "I promise to make it up to you."

I smiled, running my fingers through his hair. "It's fine, and although I appreciate this, next time if you feel the need to help just give me a back massage."

The deep chuckle that erupted from his chest vibrated against my mine. "Noted Mrs. Agent." He pulled away slightly and kissed my head. "Since dinner is ruined, what about takeouts?"

I nodded. "I'll shower and join you shortly."


I padded out of the kitchen right after that and picked up my bag from the couch before climbing up the stairs to my room.

I started peeling my clothes off immediately and searched through my bag for the test kit I now hid in the drawer he never went through because he hated the sight of tampons.

My shower was short. I didn't wash my hair because I was too tired to do so. I tossed on one of my silk night dresses and pulled my hair up into a loose bun before adding a little moisturizer to my skin and heading back down the stairs to meet David dispersing the pasta into two red bowls.

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