Remembering the Butterfly

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A stroll through the city was the cure for some homesick feelings. You wondered how long you had been walking now that the sky was turning a tiny shade of orange that cascaded over the buildings. A sigh escaped your lips, contemplating on your options to trek back home or to wander a little with some sightseeing spots until you realised where you were. The streets were quiet with the sound of cicadas chirping every now and then to break it, however the tall gates of the city's cemetery loomed above, overshadowing and cutting the colours of the sky with stark rigid lines.

You've never stepped foot into this place. You had no reason to, that was until you spotted somebody inside, tending to one of the gravestones. She looked awfully familiar with her long brown locks gently catching in the summer breeze, until she turned to you by the gates.

Tohru Honda noticed that you had stood there staring at her from afar, her large eyes staring back at you from the gravestone she was cleaning. Your heart skipped a beat, your eyes darting around to rid yourself from the slight embarrassment of being caught staring.

"Hi!" She called out with a wave, her hands in the air, her smile bright.

You only managed to wave back.

She waved her hands, inviting you to come in before she tended back to the gravestone, cleaning its surface. A little unnerved, you rolled your shoulders to rid yourself of the embarrassment before you entered the cemetery. You wondered why Tohru of all people was here. You had only met her a few times this year, mainly because of a certain family you had the unfortunate circumstance to learn their secret. The more you thought about it, the more you wondered how many other strangers had learnt and suffered from their secret.

Watching Tohru ahead made you question this further. How many like her were spared?

"Sorry to ask, can you help me out?" She asked as soon as you were within earshot of her voice. "I've been here for a while and I want to be sure everything is set."

"Oh, um, sure, what do you need?" You replied, dropping your bag to the side and kneeling beside her.

"Could you please prepare the flowers? I forgot to trim them earlier."

You immediately set to work, collecting Tohru's bouquet before noticing the flowers themselves. They were all red spider lilies, an unorthodox flower for offerings, but also not the cheapest to find either. You questioned the choice but continued to silently trim them to sit in the vases that sat by the stones.

You observed Tohru's expression, her face calm and smile gentle. While she cleaned the gravestone, she did it with care, one that you had not witnessed in a long time. Yet her eyes were sad, sullen and almost bittersweet while they were witness to her actions. You kept silent for the rest of the preparations, keeping your thoughts in your head while you completed your task.

"Thanks," cheerfully spoke Tohru. She turned to grab a large package, opening its cloth bound seal to find an assortment of fruits and bowls to prep for offerings. You stared at the assortment, soon spotting rice balls amongst the mix - a strange accompaniment to the rest of the choices.

"Ready?" She chirped, her smile on you.

"Huh? Ready for what?" You questioned with concern.

"Setting up. Can you help me out with the fruits basket?"

"But... what do we do with the rice balls?"

"They're a part of it."


All you were met with was her brilliant smile before she began to arrange the fruits and bowls together. You continued to help out, being directed by Tohru where each assortment should be, leaving the rice balls last to sit amongst the fruits basket. The presentation was a sight to behold, sitting atop the gravestone now cleaned from the elements. The red spider lilies sat on both sides of the gravestone, framing the scene while Tohru lit incense to place in the holder.

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