Selever and. You were kinda friends. He was weird a bit. "Y/N get your ass over here." He yelled. " mother fucker don't yell at me ever again.(Y/N that's in the script. "MAN FUCK THE SCRIPT." After Y/N was in a fight with Zux sama and selever. We all know who won. "Fine." He then raised his hand to reach something. You ducked quickly. Ge looked down at you you looked up at him. "Y/N I would never hit you in that way." "You could if you wanted to." Ruv was just chilling on the couch as always. Sarv was at church where else would she be. "Never the less you still loved each other. You linda squealed when he picked you up. " come on Y/N I want to explore you a bit." He smirked. Your blush put the uzamaki red to shame.