Before now you were happy. You had a loving boyfriend. Named Mike. You knew that he could see ghosts
You didn't believe it at first but Mike isn't the type to lie. But that wants the problem.
This was
"Y/N~" You heard as you walked through a dark home. You moved in with 4 years ago.
You trembled in fear because you couldn't see anything. Not because it was dark.
But because he put something in your food. It made you temporarily blind. So you tried navigating.
You tried to break up with him a year ago. He did something like this before. He saw you look at someone else who wants him
He didn't yell nor hit you. He was quite calm actually. Till it was time for dinner he always cooked cause you sucked at it.
So you trusted him. But you didn't want this. You screamed out hid name hoping that he would come to whatever senses he has left and help you
You continued to call out for help.
But none came
You were really alone with him because. Your best friend cherry disappeared. And ypur neighbors died or moved.
"Fuck! What a lovely day to be alive." You said sarcastically. Trying to prevent from crying.
But you were failing. "You had a phobia of the dark ever since you were a kid right." Mike asked. More like stated.
"Yeah." You said wile finally breaking and started crying. "Please...mike talk to me...I don't want to be alone." You said while crying.
"ME NEITHER." He yelled in rage. He broke his character with you. "I-im sorry." You sais while crying
Anytime you were in the dark with someone. They touched you. If you were in the dark by yourself you felt hands
"You want to leave me Y/N?" He asked. "You wanna...leave me. Go get a better boyfriend? Marry him? You don't get that choice!." He yelled.
"I don't get that choice! We are meant for each other our existence is to be with each other...don't You see." He said lowering his tone
You finally broke down crying. Having a panic attack. He only stared at you in disgust.
But he tried calling you down. "You don't want to be alone. I don't want to be alone. So lets fix each other." He said while hugging you.
You hugged back. You loved him but couldn't stand him. "Y/N do you really love me?" He said with tears in his eyes.
He was vulnerable. He never showed this side of him before. "I'm sorry Y/N. Trust me I really am." He said as his voice cracked
You could only nod and hug him back. You truly did love him. But sometimes couldn't stand him nor be around him.
He may be a losing game. But hes your losing game.