some info about me

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I want you guys to get to know me okay

I'm xenogender: Its when your gender doesn't connect in a human way. Like how some people feel like there gender connects to a frog there pronouns could be frog/frogself like my gender connects to energy.

I'm Abrosexual: its when your sexuality is fluid so it changes. And it does NOT invalidate any sexuality ABRO IS VALID

I'm Pangender: I am all genders at the same time such as a boy girl nonbinary genderfulid bigender a gender and many more

I'm aroace: I dream of getting railed by a fictional character but don't want it in 3d

My TikTok: my TikTok is gz109

My TikTok: my TikTok is gz109

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A icon I made

I'm weird: if its Sunday
on a Monday while walked your phoenix on the moon how many queens will there be on the whole sun?

I'm a leo: its true most leos are insecure that's why we put yourself before people as we should and were not mean were just blunt also gemini's and Leo are have a sakura and info friend ship. Leo and Aquarius are besties

I have siblings: I have 6 siblings but I think my 7 year old sister is bisexual and the rest are straight

And that's all also list your gender and sexuality in the comments

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