So you were the obviously lesbian/bisexual/gay person okay. You also are a little off to people
"Hi!! My name is Y/N and your aura looks like like shit!!" You said to Garcello
You had a soft voice and you were always approachable. But you were always brutally truthful
So much that not many people liked you. Till you met rasazy. She always acted like someone you knew
His name was selever. She wears pink like him she loud like him she curses like him its almost like a direct copy
Almost she was short snd was a girl
You just so happened to bump into her one night. "Hii!! Your aura is giving in happy but I'm not happy vibes are you okay??
Would you like to talk about all your worries is it caused by your brother?"
"Umm hi and thank you??? How did you know I have a brother?" She asked. "I can see it through your eyes."
"Sit down and we may discuss your troubles." You offered. "Look I don't know or understand ypur holy vibes but your f*going weird."
She said. "All cursing must leave my presence." You said. "I'm trying to leave your presence but your not letting me!!" She said
It wasn't dark yet so people just kinda starred or ran away. But rasazy finally decided it would go faster if she just listened
So you learned way more about each other she actually started to like you she also felt relived when she took in your aura
"Well bye!!" You said as you turned into the dark ally way. "Hey you never told me your name."
She basically asked.
"Greeting my name is Y/N!"
And with that note you you were gone