Approach(How do they go about loving you)
She is pretty calm around you. Which doesn't differ when she is around people. In fact she's sort of straight forward
Blood(how much blood will they spill for you)
Very bloody. She would draw her own blood for you if you asked
Crazy(how crazy are they)
She was crazy from the start. No difference now
Danger(How much danger are you in)
You are in extreme danger. If you reject her. She'll take you by force and cut your tongue.
Effort(how much will they do for you)
She doesn't believe is doing half work so why would that change for you
Friends(do they allow you to have friends)
If your friends aren't shinobu mitsuri or giyuu then no
Gross(How much will they cover up or hide for you)
Heart(how affectionate are they)
Very. Especially when your needy or when shes needy
Intense(how extreme are they)
Very if you hurt her in any way shape or form. She will use psychological torture. Forcing you to hurt her instead of the other way around. Which can break a person with in time. So she is very scary
Jealous(how jelly can they get)
She doesnt get jealous of mitsuri shinobu and most defiantly not giyuu. So if its anyone else who grabs your attention then yeah consider them dead.
Kidnapping(how would they do it)
She would ask shinobu for a paralysis poison. That won't kill you. Simple.
Leave(what if you escaped them)
Shes really good at tracking so she would just find you again. But for the time being she would be normal until she finds you again. Just know you will lose a part of you again.
Makeup(would she hide you)
No she wouldn't. Only because she knows it would draw attention
Nope(What would they never do)
They would never hurt you physically
Open(what secrets would they share)
Its as if you dating a stranger you only know the basic stuff about her
Princess(how would they treat you)
Queen/king actually no. Good tier
Quit(did they ever try and quit on you)
No she never gave up
Random(random thing about her)
She loves psychological torture
Stay(would they let you leave without them)
No. Never. Negative. Nope
Thought(would they feel bad)
No she never did realize. Because she knows exactly what shes doing.
Unusual(strange things happening)
Yes she if very strange. She told you once that she watches you sleep
Valentine(When did she start acting creepy)
You knew something was off since the beginning. But she was off every since the start
You both confuse each other
Xenial(hang long out with others)
Again mitsuri shinobu and giyuu? Friend squad.
Yet(what would she not let you do, but she caves)
She wouldn't let you tease her. But she only allows you to do it on the weekends
Zealous(how did you two meet)
You met her at finale selection. But she fell in love with you when she saw your skill