"43 FUCKING CENTS." You yell in rage. Steve stopes to stare at you. "AHHHHHHHHHHH." "I NEED A SUGAR DADDY/MOMMY." John stares at you like you forgot he exists. "AT THIS RATE IM READY TO PLASTER MY FUCKING PUSSY/ DICK ON THE SIDEWALK." "✨FOR SOME LOOS CHANGE." At this point everyone us concerned or us just staring. " SPARE CHANGE SPARE CHANGE." you yell while doing a little dance. Making your tits/dick start milly walking. "Anyone got some.... SPARE CHANGE. You then stop and get on the ground and hug your knees and start crying. Then starts singing. "Before started dating John I was broke and I'm still broke." You say while laughing and crying. "Aww Y/N it's ok." Steve said. "I just don't exist now." John said angrily.
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