Chapter 2: Into the Unknown

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The following day...

25th of April, 2:00

In a convenience store near Royal Marines Base Poole, Poole

     A man walked into the convenience store, but he was left disappointed after finding out that almost every single shelves were empty. He sighed and grabbed whatever is left on the shelves. Yesterday was certainly a bad day, not only for him but also for the others.

???: "Is this all that's left?"

Cashier: "This is all that's left, mate. You can try your luck elsewhere but it's probably going to be the same."

???: "Okay..."

     Just as the man was about to hand his money to the cashier, his phone rang. He immediately picked up the phone before placing the money in the cashier's hands.

???: "...Got it, see you in ten minutes."

     The man hung up on the phone before walking out of the restaurant with the snacks he has just bought in a hurry.

*         *         *         *         *

At the same time...

In the garden of 10 Downing Street, London

     On a bench in the garden of the residence of the Prime Minister of the Franco-British Union is an old man, trying to finish a stack of papers regarding the "Teleportation Crisis" as it's now called by the public and the media.

     Beside him were several cups of coffee, the old man was determined to read every single report before tomorrow morning.

     That was until he was approached by a man with an unmistakable face. It was the Chief of the Defence Staff, Sir John Campbell. The old man on the bench was none other than Josué Garreau, the current prime minister of the Franco-British Union.

Campbell: "You should've been sleeping, Josué."

Josué: "Not until I finish reading all these reports, John."

     Campbell sighed before sitting down beside his friend and colleague who was still focused on reading the reports.

Campbell: "How's Milena doing?"

Josué: "She's fine, John. Although it took me quite some time to calm her down yesterday."

Campbell: "I see."

Josué: "So what are you doing here, John?"

Campbell: "I figured out you would still be working around the clock like you often did when you were still in the army, so I stopped by, just to check on you."

Josué: "Understandable."

Campbell: "I guess, that's it then."

Josué: "Are you sure that's all?"

Campbell, after a short pause: "No. We've just regained communications with the Royal Gibraltar Regiment and 2nd Battalion, Royal Gurkha Rifles stationed at Gibraltar and the news is rather worrying."

Josué: "What's it, John?"

Campbell: "Our troops have engaged combatants of an unknown nation in a village just north of the Gibraltar-Spain border."

Josué: "What do you mean? Isn't that where the Spanish town of La Línea de la Concepción is?"

Campbell: "We won't be sure until the satellites' launch today and more importantly, Josué, don't forget that everything outside of the borders is no longer the same."

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