Chapter 8: The Beginning of the End

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Three days earlier...

2nd of May, 9:00

The City of Raveryn, Kingdom of Pais

     Baron Efeus stood atop the battlements of the castle walls, gazing at the vast green hills before he looked back at the old and rugged castle, covered in moss and crumbling in some if not most places. Despite this, the castle still presented itself proudly on the flatland surrounding it.

     And although the stone of the defences had the look of an elderly beauty, the wattle and daub village houses that lay in the outer ward were entirely new, built just a few days earlier. They housed hundreds of helpless citizens who had fled there after their villages fell to the Quistadorians.

     Efeus sighed, leaning forward on the stone wall. He knew the city's garrison made up of less than 1,000 men and less than 25 wyverns won't stand a chance against the might of Quistadoria Empire's Western Imperial Army made up of more than 60,000 men and 300 wyverns, yet, escaping wasn't an option, especially since the Quistadorians' Grand Fleet made up of 500 vessels was blockading their only escape route, the port of Raveryn while they only have 30 vessels at their disposal.

     He had already sent out requests to Tethoris requesting reinforcements although he knew full well that even if help was to come, it would be far too late to change anything. Yet, it seemed so much worse because he had seen what the Quistadorians did to villages they overran. He'd seen the barbarities the Quistadorians did to the soldiers and the atrocities they did to women and even children. Somehow, he was supposed to protect everyone from that, a feat that not even the wise King could accomplish.

     And so, Efeus was, after letting out another sigh, determined to protect everyone and delay the Quistadorians as much as he could, even though he knew that was the only thing he and his men could do. His kingdom might live on, finding a way to survive even if it means sacrificing Raveryn, a fate which he and his men were ready to accept, only after putting up a fight and somehow protecting the people calling Raveryn their "home".

     It was then that the Quistadorians appeared into sight as his men scrambled to the walls. Their chants and laughter could be heard from even inside the city itself, from here, Efeus could see the Quistadorians dragging their battering ram while their engineers were already building trebuchets around the city.

     Efeus wasted no time tearing his sword free from its sheath as he rushed to the gate. He hoped that he could keep his promise even though he knew all too well that in the end, none of them would make it out alive...

Efeus: [C] "It is an honour to fight with you all today! Now, let's show those bastards what we're made of! For our kingdom and the people of Raveryn!"

     Efeus cried, standing out before his men as they rose a battle cry in response, their eyes grew fiercer, banging swords against shields. Efeus turned, watching as the Quistadorians steadily made their way towards the walls, their helmets covering the face of those who murdered and raped every day.

Efeus: [C] "Here they come!"

*         *         *         *         *

Five days earlier...

30th of April, 13:00

The Port of Coralodor, Coralodor, Kingdom of Pais

     The Port of Coralodor, although not as busy as usual, was in a great clamour as if it was a madhouse as civilians, soldiers, and sailors alike gazed out at the sea in wonder, shock, and in some cases, panic.

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