Chapter 6: First Love, Inbound War and Unknown Identity

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The next day...

29th of April, 12:00

A kilometre to the north of the Fence of Gibraltar.

     As far as one's eyes could see, the Quistadorian Southern Imperial Army covered the lands, organising itself for the first assault on Gibraltar. If one were to guess, their numbers would be from 75,000 to 150,000 men. Realistically speaking though, their numbers seemed uncountable.

     The Duke of Nethiolor deployed his men across a 2,000-yard front and divided his army into three groups for the upcoming battle. The right-wing was commanded by Gaiseric, the centre led by the Duke himself while the left-wing was under Sigmund.

     The Duke wondered why the Franco-British haven't deployed their army yet. But one thing was certain to him, this wasn't going to be like any other sieges he has ever been in.

Gaiseric: [C] "We can wait for those bastards all day, my lord. If they don't appear in an hour or so, we can take it as if they are going to keep their cowardly butts inside those small fences of theirs and begin our advance."

Sigmund: [C] "I would highly advise against underestimating them, my lord."

Rictiovarus: [C] "If that's all, you may go prepare your men now."

Sigmund: [C] "Yes, my lord."

     Suddenly, the Duke felt an inexplicable, strange feeling warning him that most of them are going to die, but from what? He doesn't understand and he doesn't want to. But he wasn't going to wait now, he ordered his men forward, the assault on Tariq shall begin now.

     Meanwhile, on a temporary watchtower hastily constructed at the Fence for use as an observation post, a fire support team (FST) from the Royal Gibraltar Regiment watched the huge formations through their binoculars while relaying information to the six L118 light guns from Thomson's Battery.

FST Commander: "Thomson battery gunfire target, over."

Gun Position Officer (GPO): "Thomson battery gunfire target, over."

     The GPO responded as the battery gunners quickly take up post, battery gunfire target means that the targets are likely to move or are moving, so the speed of the gunners are essential.

FST Commander: "Grid reference 30S TF 88944 04202, height 200 ft, right ranging, fire, over."

GPO: "Grid reference 30S TF 88944 04202, height 200 ft, right ranging, fire, over. HE 166, charge 3, zero 346 degrees, angle of sight 2 degrees."

     The gunners rammed their L50 HE shells with L166 multi-function fuzes fitted to the nose of the shells into their L118 light guns, after which, the powders were inserted.

GPO: "Right ranging, 7700, fire!"

     And it was then that the gunners pulled the lanyards as they covered their ears before the shells went out of the barrel, flying towards the Quistadorians.

GPO: "Shot, 7700, over."

FST Commander: "Shot, 7700, over."

     The air was filled with a sudden high-pitched whine, then a brown cloud of dust flew up so high into the skies that it concealed some of the Quistadorians formations entirely. The Quistadorians suffered no casualties but they were scattered, the explosions were enough to make them break formations and run for their lives, even if it's for a short period of time.

FST Commander: "Right 50 add 100, over."

GPO: "Right 50 add 100, over. More 20 minutes, 7800."

     The gunners quickly adjusted their L118 light guns, rammed in the shells and the powders before pulling the lanyards once again, unleashing another short yet deadly artillery bombardment. This time, however, it was not to be a warning salvo.

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