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The District is at a stand-still. Owen gives us the week off to prepare for the Reaping. Most people avoid me around the District. I think a lot of them think I'll be Reaped.

Unfortunately, the time off from work means I'm stuck at home with my family, and they're practically going out of their minds.

"I can't lose you, Griffin!" my mother cries. "You're 18. Just one more year and you'll be safe. Please, you have to break up with Aurora. It's the only way."

All I can do is shake my head. "You don't understand, mom," I tell her. "I love her. If someone asked you to leave dad to save yourself, would you do it? No, because you care about him. I was going to marry her. If I get Reaped, I have to protect her. If that means I'll die, I'm sorry."

She breaks down, and my father consoles her, shooting me a dirty look.

I shrug, heading to the kitchen, where Clarissa is eating lunch. I can tell she's been eavesdropping on our conversation.

"Are you sure about this?" she asks me quietly. "You saw the Victors before the war. If you do make it out, you won't be the same person. And if you die, I'll be without a brother."

"This isn't a decision, Clarissa," I say irritably. "I'm going to be forced to go into the Arena. If I'm not, then I suppose I'll sit and watch my girlfriend die. But I'm not going to leave her just to save myself from the Reaping. Her dad is going to be executed tomorrow, and I'm all she has left. You don't understand, you're too young."

She looks a little hurt by my words, but she nods in understanding. "Well, it's a brave thing for you to do that," she says. "I just have to pray that you don't get Reaped. I don't think I can stand it."

I don't respond. How can my family be so selfish? Aurora is going to be sent to her death in a week. I may be sent with her, and all they can do is think of themselves.


The seven days leading up to the Reaping pass far too quickly, and before I know it, I'm dressing up in my finest shirt for the Reaping. I never have to dress in fancy clothing, and for all I know, this would probably be the outfit I was going to marry Aurora in. Now it's quite possible that I'll be sent to my death in it.

The District 4 heat is stifling as I walk down the busy street with Clarissa. Everyone is heading in the same direction - to the town square. It's eerily quiet. The only sound I can hear is the wind as it whistles past me. Nobody says a word.

We're sorted into sectors by age and gender, which is practically useless since there are only a few of us who could possibly be Reaped.

I stand next to Asher. He gives me a concerned look, but I ignore him. I take a few deep breaths to try and still my thumping heart.

The town hall doors open, and a ridiculously dressed Capitol woman steps onto the stage. She's dressed in all blue, including her skin, which is painted an odd shade of teal. Her odd skin color makes her look like some sort of sick lizard. She offers a broad smile to the District as she slowly hobbles to the microphone.

"Hello, District 4!" she beams. "I am Salacia Callendew, your escort."

Salacia pauses as if she's waiting for applause, but the entire plaza is silent, so she continues with her speech.

"This day marks the return of the annual Hunger Games, a beloved Capitol tradition. This year is the 76th annual installment of the Games, despite the gap between this year's Games and the previous ones."

"This year, since District 4 is currently without a mayor, we will surpass his usual speech and proceed straight to the Reapings. No volunteers will be allowed this year."

Content with her speech, Salacia walks slowly over to the bowl of female tributes. My hands are shaking, but I try to keep myself calm. There are other war enemies in District 4 other than Aurora's dad - maybe someone else will be Reaped. Maybe we'll be safe after all.

Selecting a paper, Salacia returns to the microphone. "Our female tribute representing District 4 is..."

"Aurora Killmer."

I don't even hear a gasp. Nobody makes a sound as I see Aurora - my Aurora - escorted by Peacekeepers to the stage. Salacia looks nauseating as her blue face offers a sick smile to Aurora.

Next to me, I feel Asher link his arm with mine. He gives my shoulder a squeeze. I think he knows this is it.

It's not long before Salacia moves on to the boys, and it's no surprise when my name is called.

"Griffin Cohen!"

I'm torn from Asher and escorted to the stage. When Salacia tells Aurora and me to shake hands, we kiss instead, for everyone to see. We will not give up until the very end. I have to protect her because nobody else will.

Salacia escorts us off-stage, where she quickly walks us to the train station.

"Where are we going?" I ask her. "Don't we get to see our families before we go?"

She laughs a bit at my silly question. "Of course not, my dear. Due to war tensions, family visits are forbidden this year. We don't want our tributes to get any funny ideas. Now, up we go."

Aurora glances back at me as Salacia helps her onto the train. I hear footsteps behind me, and I turn to see Clarissa, her blond hair flowing behind her, as she sprints to me. She runs into me, almost knocking me over with her embrace.

"Please, you have to win for me," she begs. "I know you want to protect Aurora. But you're a person too. You're a man with a family. And you need to come back to me. Please."

Clarissa is brutally ripped away from me by Peacekeepers. I don't know what to say to her, and before I can formulate a sentence, I'm carried onto the train by Peacekeepers. Clarissa's eyes are filled with tears as the train pulls away.

I wish I had said something to her. Anything - even just a simple goodbye. Is this the last time I'll ever see my sister?

The train pulls away from the station with a jolt, and I get the feeling that I'll never see my home again.

𝐫𝐢𝐬𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐟𝐫𝐨𝐦 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐚𝐬𝐡𝐞𝐬 | 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝟕𝟔𝐭𝐡 𝐠𝐚𝐦𝐞𝐬 ✔️Where stories live. Discover now