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"Oh, darling, you're going to do fabulous out there," LeeAnn coos as she styles my hair. "You'll be the talk of the night. I can't wait."

As usual, I'm sure LeeAnn is being dramatic, but from what I've heard from her and her team, there has been some excitement about me and Aurora in the Capitol. To emphasize our pairing, my tuxedo is split between a sandy yellow and a blue color, and on Aurora's dress, the split line from my tuxedo continues down her dress, making it seem like our two outfits are a part of one bigger ensemble.

Nereus escorts me from LeeAnn's room to the backstage room where the tributes are being held. He scans down my outfit carefully. "Yes, this will do," he says. "This will do nicely."

Aurora is already in the room when I enter. This year, we're supposed to be interviewed in pairs rather than individually, so I stand next to Aurora behind the small District 3 tributes. "You look great, as usual," I murmur into her ear, and she laughs a bit.

Caesar Flickerman takes the stage, and the crowd looks ecstatic to see him. This year, his hair and clothing are all dyed a bright, almost blinding shade of white. His teeth are also unnaturally white as he beams at the audience.

"Thank you, thank you!" he cries, soaking in the cheers.

The first Interview of the night belongs to the District 1 tributes Isabelle is dressed in a hot pink dress that looks uncomfortable, while Phoenix is in a glossy orange suit.

As the interview progresses, I can tell that Phoenix is answering most of the questions. Isabelle is sweet, but she gives short answers and it's hard for Caesar to pry much from her. I can tell she feels vulnerable up on the stage.

Phoenix, on the other hand, seems to love the attention from the crowd, which reminds me a lot of Caesar. He answers most of the questions with confidence.

"Well, Phoenix, I heard from Isabelle that you both have military experience," Caesar says, "Although from the losing side..."

The crowd boos and Phoenix's eyes turn dark for a moment before he visibly plasters his mask back on, smiling jokingly at the camera.

"Yes, Caesar," Phoenix says. "I think that will put us at a great advantage since we're some of the only tributes with fighting experience. Isabelle and I will do anything for each other, and we're prepared to kill to outmatch the others."

The crowd murmurs. I can tell that Phoenix's boldness excites them. I feel slightly nauseous. Phoenix just makes me nervous.

Axel and Vesta are up next, and their interview goes pretty smoothly. They mostly talk about growing up together and how they felt being Reaped together as siblings go. They're not particularly, but they don't crash and burn, and that's all I could ask for.

In the District 3 tributes' interviews, they both use complicated words that my simple brain can't quite understand. I only understand bits and pieces of what they say as they answer Caesar's questions, but it seems like the Capitol crowd does, as they get some sizable applause when they're done.

"And now, give it up for a pair that everyone's been talking about," Caesar says to the cameras in front of him. "The dedicated lovers who are risking their lives to protect one another. Give it up for Griff and Aurora from District 4!"

Aurora links her arm with mine as we step through the stage curtains onto the huge stage. The sheer volume of the crowd is overwhelming, especially combined with the bright lights shining in my eyes, but I focus my eyes on the ground to make sure I don't fall as I walk to my chair.

Eventually, we make it to the plush seat across from Caesar, where we sit. He offers us a blinding smile.

"Welcome," Caesar says, and Aurora says something next to me. I'm still trying to catch my bearings - this is so different from anything I've ever done in District 4. I feel like everyone is watching my every move. Luckily, Aurora is more used to public speaking since her dad was the mayor, so she exchanges pleasantries with Caesar as I sit next to her, my heart thumping wildly.

I snap out of my fog when Caesar calls my name. "Griff, how did it feel to be Reaped alongside Aurora this year considering you were not a part of the rebellion? I understand that you have a family of your own."

I shudder a bit, and all I can think about is Clarissa, laying on the ground with tears streaming down her face as the train pulled away. Next to me, Aurora squeezes my hand.

"Of course it was difficult to say goodbye to my family, Caesar," I tell him. "A week before the Reaping, my parents begged me to break up with Aurora. They hoped it would save me from the Reapings. I just couldn't do it, though. I'm all Aurora has, and I swore to myself that if I could protect her, I would."

The crowd is very quiet when I'm done talking. For a few seconds, the theater is silent.

Aurora and I get a roaring round of applause when we exit the stage. We're intercepted by Salacia, who's about to faint from excitement, and Nereus, who even graces us with a small smile. I can tell that we've done well, and I'm glad. Deep down, the Games are just that - a game. To go far, you need a strategy, and you need to plan ahead. Even I'm smart enough to see that. I can tell Aurora is, too. That's why she accepted the Careers' offer so quickly. She knew we would need skilled allies to survive.

We come across the Careers soon after. Vesta and Isabelle excitedly congratulate Aurora on her performance, and Axel and Phoenix walk over to me.

"That was awesome," Axel says with a chuckle. "You really won them over."

"Hopefully it'll win us some sponsors," Phoenix says with a small frown. "Good work, Griff."

My heart is pumping, and I have to pinch myself to make sure I'm not dreaming. Tonight went well, and now I've done everything I could to prepare myself for the Arena. All I have to do now is wait for tomorrow.

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