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The Ascantals dive-bombed the main gates, their clawed fingers doing the work of blades in killing the guards. Decius, Sarico, Casarion, Octavius, and several other allies entered the city, swinging up on horses one of the loyal soldiers had rustled up for them. The stars were blocked out by the winged Ascantals, who filled the air with their shrieks.

Decius and Octavius galloped through the city toward Tonius Hill, swords drawn. A bow and quiver were slung across Octavius' back. Sarico and Casarion were rallying the people, human and Ascantal alike, to fight alongside them against Lucius' tyranny. Decius had been sent to kill Lucius, and Octavius had insisted on coming with him.

"I am not going to win," Decius had told him. "I am going to die. In order to kill him, I will most likely die myself."

"Then I will accompany you," Octavius had replied. "And I will fight beside you until the end. My loyalty is to you, Imperator."

Screams and yells echoed all around them as the winged Ascantals attacked the soldiers stationed to guard Tonius Hill. They were no match for the viciousness of the undead, who knew no pain, only fury. The soldiers gave Decius and Octavius no trouble; they were too preoccupied to even notice them.

It felt like forever until the palace loomed before them, the courtyard filled with bloodied corpses and broken Ascantal skeletons. It seemed the undead creatures could be stopped, but judging by the ratio of their bodies to the soldiers', it was quite a difficult feat to accomplish.

Decius and Octavius dismounted, charging through the doors into the palace. Déjà vu struck Decius as they sprinted, his limp slowing down their pace, thinking back to that day, five years ago, when he and Lucius had charged down this very corridor toward the throne room to kill Pirilius.


Lucius stood in the throne room, the hair on his neck standing on end from the endless shrieks erupting from the winged, undead Ascantals tearing through his soldiers. His knuckles were white from the force with which he gripped his sword hilt. Beside him, resting on the throne, was the sheathed short blade Decius had given him ten years ago, just in case he needed it.

"I told you the gods would make you pay," Silvia Furia said, her eyes icy cold. She sat in the corner, her wrists and legs bound. She hadn't attempted to move since Lucius had forced her in here when the shrieking began, but she didn't seem unnerved at all by the noise. "The gods are not dead."


Footsteps sounded behind them and Decius glanced over his shoulder to see a small unit of guards rushing toward them. He cursed under his breath. They were going to slow him down!

"Keep going!" Octavius yelled, skidding to a halt as they rounded a corner. Sheathing his sword, the soldier removed the bow from across his back and nocked an arrow. "I'll hold them off." He looked at Decius determinedly. "Allow me to pay back my debt."

"You don't owe me anything," Decius told him. "Not after everything you've already done. Shoot true, Octavius."

Octavius nodded and unleashed his first arrow as Decius continued down the corridor toward the throne room.

When he reached it, he shoved the doors open and found Lucius standing before the throne, sword in hand. In the corner, the Forelooker sat bound, her eyes dark and intense as she watched the two brothers.

How ironic that Lucius is going to perish in the same place his enemy and his father died.

And I will most likely die in the same place my father, the man who raised me, and the two men who stole everything from me died.

Lucius (ONC 2021)Where stories live. Discover now