Chapter 23

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Years have passed since I left the guys back at The Shire; the Dwarfs took me in as if I were their own, but it was now time for me to leave. I told everybody that I have to go, and they all understood... that is, everyone except for Nexus.

"I don't understand why you have to leave,"  he argued as I continued packing my things. I spoke,  "Nexus, you must understand that I have places to go, people to see."  He ranted,  "Rayne, you've been here for a little more than eight years, you can't just forget all of the good times we've had together and leave! I thought we were your family. I thought we had something special."  I looked over at him and stopped moving, realizing that he was on the verge of crying. I ran over to him and tightly hugged him. I felt wetness on my chest and his arms squeeze around me.

I whispered,  "I am forever grateful that you took me in as your own; many nights I've thought about it. About how accepting you all were... Nexus, I can't explain how much I love everyone and everything here. I will miss it dearly, and will keep these memories close to me.. but, my dear, I must leave. It is time."  Nexus nodded, now knowing it's nothing personal. He stood and smiled; he leaned in and kissed my forehead and spoke,  "You're the best sister ever."  I smiled and hugged him again.

Later that day, I feasted with them one last time. Gimli gave me a beautiful stone and let me go. I said my departures and. well, departed. I told Nexus and Hexus that Gimli would know where I live, in case they wanted to stop by any time. I rode my pony out and to another destination.

Legolas's P.O.V.

My father has tried making me court other Elf women, but none satisfied the high standards that she set. Though she hasn't been here in at least ten years, I still somewhat believed she'd come by. At least for a visit. One visit from her is all I need. It's just... a thing. I feel like I MUST court her. At least once; if we're not happy, then I'll gladly let her go. I sighed as I continued shooting arrows at practice. I sighed as I stuck an arrow into a tree.  "Legolas,"  I looked up to see a servant of mine calling for me.  "Yes?"  He spoke,  "You have someone here to see you."  I rolled my eyes and spoke,  "I'll be there in a moment."  I put my weapons away and climbed up the hill and waked inside. My father looked at me and smirked. I gave him a questioning look as I continued to walk throughout the halls and to the front, where my guest would be waiting. I opened the door and stopped in my tracks.  "Rayne!"  I exclaimed. She smiled and jumped up to hug me.

"I'm sure you had a great time in The Shire with your friends and family,"  I spoke with a smile, drinking a glass of wine. We sat outside where the sun shone on us, catching up. She smiled and replied,  "I stayed with them only for a year. I went and lived with Gimli and his nephews for a while. It was great fun. I'm a better fighter now, haha."  She laughed and took a sip of wine. I smiled and asked,  "How's he doing?"  She replied,  "Well; he asked about you. I told him you were doing fine, last I checked."  I smiled and nodded. I spoke in awe,  "Rayne, you haven't aged a day!"  She smiled and blushed while saying,  "Thank you; I suppose it's my Elf-like qualities. Gandalf spoke to me about them."  I nodded and listened to her speak about these abilities she has.

Later in the night, I showed her to her own room where she would be staying for as long as she likes. She was grateful and thanked me before shutting the door. I smiled and walked over to my room to see my father there. He spoke,  "She came; you have your chance."  I smiled and whispered,  "I told you so, Ada." 

You guys, this is just an author's note. My updates won't be as often, nor as detailed as they've been in the past. I'm getting ready to wrap these chapters up, because I want to start a new story (Which is a Fili love story, check my profile later if interested). I'm still going to end the story the way I had planned to, but I'm finding it more difficult to write my thoughts down. That's also why there's been so many time skips. On another note, I want to thank EVERYBODY for reading it this far and bearing with me and adding this story on your lists and voting it  and EVERYTHING. I love you guys for helping me out and giving me the encouragement to keep writing. Check out my profile and follow me and remember that I'll be writing a bunch of stories! :) Okay, feedback is great by the way. Love you guys and again, THANK YOU. 

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