Chapter 10

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I woke up, dangling in a tree. I looked around, only seeing double-vision. As I flung myself out of the tree, I felt an aching, sharp pain rise on my stomach and around it. I looked down at my hands and noticed they were tied; I then remembered what happened. I tried to stand, but then fell down. It was daytime, and there's no telling how long I've been dangling there. I looked down to see my bags and bow. I slightly smiled and, with my feet, flipped the bag upside down, looking for my blade. A small knife fell out last; it sat on top of my fruits, vegetables, and dresses. I held the blade still my my feet as I rubbed it across the rope that bounded my hands together. The rope fell apart; I shoved everything into my bag and stuck an apple in my mouth. I was starving.

I crawled and drug myself around until I saw a small body of water. I plunged myself in it, not fearing the chance of drowning. I slowly cleaned my wounds and wrapped them with the torn remains of the dress I previously wore. I slid on another dress and began to stand myself upright. I put my bag on and grabbed my bow and began to breath slowly; I let in a breath, then let it out. In, then out; in then out in, then out. The wind began blowing heavily in one direction. I looked over and began walking that way.

I traveled day and night, only stopping for rest; it's been a week and a half since I ound myself dangling from that tree. I mumbled,  "Sauroman will pay for this." In the distance, I saw a huge wall. It as nearly nightfall when I arrived. "Who are you and where do you come from?"  A man yelled down at me. I raised my head up to him an yelled,  "My name is Rayne, I come from The Shire. Let me in!"  The man whispered to someone else and asked,  "Are you of any army?"  I raised an eyebrow and yelled, confused,  "I'm in The Fellowship!"  A familiar set of hair flown in the wind and looked down on me; his voice commanded,  "Let her, in she's with us. Hurry, hurry, we haven't got much time!" I was led inside by a guard; he took me to Aragorn, Gimli, and Legolas.

Legolas smiled and went in for a hug, but I reached my hand out so he wouldn't hurt my stomach.  "What;s wrong, Rayne? What happened to you when you were taken from us?"  He led me to his room, that I would be sharing with him. I spoke,  "I have terrible wounds from what that Orc did to me; there's no telling where Merry and Pippin could be right now."  His eyes widened and spoke,  "We need to get you to a nurse right away-"  I smiled and shook my head. I spoke,  "My wounds are better, but still hurt a little. It's nothing I would worry about."  Legolas smiled and spoke,  "You're a brave woman, Rayne Soundgarden. We;re going to war tomorrow. Do you think you'll be fighting-ready by then?" I smiled and nodded,  "Most definitely."

Gimli walked in the room and announced,  "Where have you been for the past three weeks? I've missed my Hobbit-Elf!"  I smiled and ran to Gimli; I gently hugged him and spoke,  "It's so wonderful to see you again, Gimli!"

"Down here, you'll be able to make your own arrows. I know I taught you how a few years ago,"  Legolas smiled at me. I smiled back and began making more arrows for myself. I thought about Pippin and Merry. I stopped my thoughts and realized... Where's Frodo and Sam?

I waddled up to the room Legolas and I were sharing with a bundle of arrows; only the most perfect ones I made were with me. I looked around in my bag for my dresses, but didn't find any of them.  "What even?"  I mumbled to myself. I heard Legolas speak,  "You must be looking for your clothes; I sent them away to be washed and dried. They should be here any minute. Go wash up; I bet your dying to be clean."  I laughed at the accuracy of his words and ran off into the wash room. I ran my bath and soaked; I scrubbed my body down and cleaned all my wounds. I pulled my red hair into a towel and stepped out of the tub. I wrapped another towel around my body and opened the door a little. I whispered,  "Legolas.... Leeeggooollaaaaaasssssss..."  He appeared and replied,  "You're finished?"  I nodded as he spoke,  "Well, your dresses haven't come in yet; but, If you'd like-"  "I've brought your lady's dresses, Master Legolas,"  a woman called. Legolas chuckled as I ran behind the bathroom door; he spoke,  "She's not my lady; but thank you."  He paid her and handed me the dresses.

I hopped in the bed and covered myself up.  "You know if you sleep now, you'll have a nice 15 hours of sleep?"  I smiled and replied,  "You know me so well, Leggy!"  I patted his head and lied back down. He whispered,  "I never thought you'd stop calling me that when we were kids."  I laughed and turned over to sleep.

"Pippin!"  I yelled. He raised himself up and screamed,  "Rayne!"  We ran into each others arms; I smiled as he spoke,  "I've missed you so much! I never thought you'd come back!"  "Neither did I,"  I whispered.

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