Chapter 5

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Friday, Siam Paragon

"Say the word, Your Highness. I can take you away from all this crazyness at once." Earth's hushed voice sent shivers down Mix's spine but he tried to maintain his composure.

Mix arrived a little before the opening of OffGun's fashion show. He was supposed to find Anya and sit with her on the front row but the moment Mix appeared at the entrance of the hall, everyone - the media, the audience, even the models - had eyes on him. They all started to crowd him to get a photo, a signature, or some comment on why or how he got invited to the show. He couldn't blame them; he barely know the fashion duo and the Royal Family rarely attend public events unannounced.

Good thing the organizers were quick to take action. About a dozen men in black suits appeared to surround Mix and give him and his men enough space to move. Several ushers politely led the audience back to their assigned seats, the models were all rounded up by the production crew to prepare for the show and all media with access pass were asked to line up properly.

"The Prince is here as OffGun's personal friend. He is here just to support them, so we would greatly appreciate if you save your questions for a more appropriate time," says a guy in dark blue suit. He exuded calm authority, making every member of the press comply.

"I'm fine, Captain. Just lead me to where Anya is."

The press did keep their distance as the Prince walked to the front row but it didn't stop them from taking photos of him. It always bothered Mix to be the center of attention, but he learned to live with it. This time, though, isn't particularly as miserable as the other times. For one, he is here on his accord, not because he was told to.  It felt so freeing, facing the public not as the Prince but as himself - Mix.

The burgundy suit that OffGun sent also helped him feel good about this surprise appearance. In a see of dark suits, his wine-colored outfit stood out. He particularly liked the detail on the right side of the suit - gold vine-like stitches intricately placed to look as if it's crawling from the hem of his suit to his right shoulder where they disappeared. It didn't reach the left side of his suit, but the assymetrical design made the look more elegant.

"Mix, over here." Anya called the Prince with a big smile. Beside her were two empty seats.

"One guard gets to sit with you. I guess all the others can just do what they need to do elsewhere?"

"Your Highness, I don't think - "

"You stay with me, then, Captain, if you think this is a bad idea." Mix said before Earth finished what he was saying. Mix rarely plays the Prince card, but he's a Royal after all. What's the use of being the King's son if he can't order his own men around?

Earth sensed the shift in Mix's tone so he dismissed the other men.

"You look stunning, Your Highness. The press is having a field day as we speak."

"Thanks, Anya. OffGun is really something, huh?"

Anya smiled even bigger. "They've come a long way."

Mix sat with Earth on his left and Anya on his right. As if on cue, dozens of female socialites, celebrities, and entrepreneurs went to where Mix was. They shook hands and hugged Mix, some even took photos and chatted a little.

Mix was supposed to be acting a bit too happy with the attention he's getting from all these women. That's what they're going for. Anya wanted to stir things up a little by starting rumors that the Prince is "enjoying" his last few days as a bachelor.

"We need time, Mix. Starting a rumor about you is the easiest. I'm hoping the Palace would wait for the rumors to die down a little before making any more announcements about you and Alicia. We need that time so Tay and New can use their...resources to find out anything that could convince the King that she isn't a perfect fit for you."

The plan is going smoothly, except for the ominous aura of the man sitting beside Mix.

All this time Mix was trying to keep his eyes off of Earth. Mix got one brief look at the way Earth looked in his perfectly-fitted navy blue suit and he was sure that this man would be very dangerous for him tonight. He needed to focus and do his part, and "making heart eyes" (as White would call it) to the Captain won't accomplish anything.

After almost forty minutes of greeting ladies, the opening video of the show started playing. It showcased the making of the collection, featuring not just OffGun but also their team of dressmakers, stylists, photographers and the whole production crew.

As soon as the video ended with the signature OG logo, the models started walking down the runway. The main theme of the collection was pastel colors and while Mix wasn't a big fan of fashion, he loved witnessing how the burst of colors and creativity came to life with each piece in the collection.

Focusing on the show made him forget about other things, like how Earth was obviously jealous of all the girls Mix interacted with tonight, or how he could feel the intensity of Earth's eyes on him since he met him outside his room wearing OffGun's custom-made suit. 

The final pieces in the collection was worn by no other than OffGun themselves. Gun wore a bright yellow oversized jacket with light pink pants while Off wore a fitted light blue ensemble. The seasoned models walked side by side, confidently showcasing their individuality. Once they reached the end of the runway, the couple reached for each other's hands and looked at each other, their eyes shining with pride and affection. They stayed in their own little world for a full minute, the audience collectively melting at the sight of them together.

That moment, Mix knew what he has been craving for. He's been looking for that kind of connection, one that runs deep in your soul and bonds you to another person in ways only the two of you would understand.

"I always admired the sky from afar because it seemed impossible to reach. When I finally got the courage to do the impossible, I chased my sky. It wasn't easy, but it got me - us, rather - here. Now I don't even know how to go to bed without him beside me." Off said with a chuckle.

Gun was also smiling. He was Off Jumpol's sky, the one constant thing in a world of uncertainties.

"What my husband here is saying is continue reaching for your dreams. This world is cruel and unfair, but it has a unique way of recognizing your efforts. The last two years were a struggle for us, but this collection is the proof that hardwork pays off. So go and chase your own sky, reach for the moon or dare to touch the sun. There is nothing to lose - you either win or you learn."

With that, the fashion duo raised their intertwined hands and took a final bow to close the show.

"Good job, Your Highness. Now we let the press do their thing. Ready for the after-party?"

"Thanks, Anya but I don't think that's a good idea."

Anya raised her eyebrows as if challenging Mix to turn down her offer.

"Anya -"

"Hey, Your Highness! Thanks for coming. Hope you enjoyed the show," Off said, pulling Mix into a man hug.

"Papii, let me take a look at Mix's suit"

Off let Mix go while Gun scrutinize their work.

"Did you like it, Mix?"

"I do, P'Gun. It's beautiful. I love the details."

"You know what it's called? We named this piece Unchained." Gun explained.

That's when it clicked. The gold stitches weren't vines latching onto him, they were remnants of chains gradually falling off.

"Now that your free from your golden chains, how about we celebrate your freedom with some drinks?" Off offered.

"It's a private thing, Mix. Only OffGun's closest friends and staff. No phones or cameras allowed inside, everybody undergoes body check. The place is clean - no party drugs. Come on, Mix. Live a little"

Mix wanted so bad to say yes.

So he did.

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